1. Germany's Foreign Policy Evolutio towards the Former Soviet Republics
1.1. Froltsov, V. V. The Former Soviet Republics in Foreign Policy of Germany (1991-2005) / V. V. Froltsov. - Minsk: BSU, 2013. - 431 p. 1.2. Froltsov, V. V. Germany's Foreign Policy European Vector in 1990s - at the beginning of 2000s in Contemporary Historiography / V. V. Froltsov // News of BSPU. Ser. 2. - 2013. - № 2. - P. 67-70. 1.3. Froltsov, V. V. Germany's Economic Interests Development in the Former Soviet Republics in 1990s / V. V. Froltsov // News of BSU. Humanities. - 2012. - № 3. - P. 42-48. 1.4. Froltsov, V. V. Schröder's Policy Towards the Baltic Republics (1998-2005) / V. V. Froltsov // Faculty of International Relations Proceedings: scientific collection. Ed. III / editorial board: V. G. Shadurski (editor-in-chief) [and oth.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2012. - P. 78-85. 1.5. Froltsov, V. V. German Policy Towards the Former Soviet Republics in German Historiography / V. V. Froltsov // Brest State University named after A. S. Pushkin Proceedings: scientific collection. Ed. 8. P. 1. Humanities and Social Science / editorial board: M. E. Chesnovski (editor-in-chief) [and oth.]. - Brest: EI "BSU named after A. S. Pushkin", 2012. - P. 153-159. 1.6. Froltsov, V. V. The Former Soviet Republics in Schröder's Party Declaration (1998-2005) / V. V. Froltsov // Current Issues of the World History: Axiological Basis of State Building: Materials of International Scientific Conference, Kiev, SI "Institute of the World History of National Academy of Science of Ucraine", November 21, 2012 / editor-in-chief A. I. Kudryachenko, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor. - Kiev: PP "Pholiant", 2012. - P. 127-131. 1.7. Froltsov, V. V. FRG Recognition of the Former Soviet Republics: Key Approaches and Interests / V. V. Froltsov // The Dissolution of the USSR and International Interpretation of the End of the Cold War: 20 years on: Materials of International Research and Practice Conference (Zaporizhzhya, November 2-4, 2011). - Zaporizhzhya: Inter-M, 2011. - P. 57-63. 1.8. Froltsov, V. V. Germany’s Policy towards the Post-Soviet Republics (1990-1998): Key Directions and Interests / V. V. Froltsov // Baltic Horizons. – November 2011. – № 17 (114). – pp. 26–31. 1.9. Froltsov, V. V. The OSCE Present-Day Activities: Evaluation and Prospects / V. V. Froltsov // The OSCE and Contemporary Challenges: Materials of International Scientific Conference (Minsk, October 14, 2008); Transeuropean Security Architecture: Models and Challenges: Materials of International Scientific Conference (Minsk, April 29, 2009). - Minsk: Kovcheg, 2009. - P. 86-95. 1.10. Froltsov, V. V. German Policy in Transcaucasia in 1991—1998 / V. V. Froltsov // Vestnik BGU. Series 3. - 2009. — № 3. - P. 28-34. 1.11. Froltsov, V. V. Foreign Policy Issues in Pre-Election Programmes of Germany's Main Political Parties in 2009 / V. V. Froltdov // Journal of International Law and International Relations. — 2009. — № 4. — P. 68—76. 1.12. Froltsov, V. V. The FRG Position on Restoration of the USSR Baltic Republics' Sovereignity (1990—1991) / V. V. Froltsov // Journal of International Law and International Relations. — 2008. — № 3. — P. 34—40. 1.13. Froltsov, V. V. German Policy in Central Asia in 1991—1998 / V. V. Froltsov // Vestnik BGU. Series 3. — 2008. — № 3. — P. 27—31. 1.14. Froltsov, V. V The FRG Policy Towards Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia (1991—1998) / V. V. Froltsov // Journal of International Law and International Relations. — 2008. — № 4. — P. 30—37. 1.15. Froltsov, V. V. The FRG's Policy Towards the Republic of Moldova (1991—1998) / V. V. Froltsov // Journal of International Law and International Relations. — 2007. — № 2. — P. 37—41. 1.16. Froltsov, V. V.FRG Foreign Policy after the 2005 Elections in the Bundestag and National Security Arrangements of the Republic of Belarus / V. V. Froltsov // Institute of National Security of the Republic of Belarus Proceedings. - 2006. - № 22. - P. 26-36. 1.17. Froltsov, V. V. The FRG Policy Towards Ukraine in 1994—1998: Main Trends / V. V. Froltsov // Journal of international law and international relations. — 2006. — № 1. — P. 47—54. 1.18. Froltsov, V. V. The FRG Policy Towards Ukraine in 1990—1994: Main Trends / V. V. Froltsov // Journal of international law and international relations. — 2005. — № 3. — P. 22—27. 1.19. Froltsov, V. V. The Post-Soviet Puzzle and Western Democracies / V. V. Froltsov // Connections. The Quarterly Journal. – Winter. 2005. – Vol. 4, No 4. – P. 91–111. 1.20. Froltsov, V. V. The Political Changes on the Post-Soviet Space on the Eve of 20th — 21th Centuries as a Challenge for the United States and European Foreign Policies / V. V. Froltsov // American Journal of International Politics and Development Studies. — 2005. — Vol. 1, N 1. — P. 15—24.
2. FRG Foreign Policy Establishment and Implementation Aspects in 1990s - 2000s
2.1. Froltsov, V. V. contingency Perspective to a State Foreign Policy Establishment and Implementation: the Problems of Finding and Research - Evidence from Germany / V. V. Froltsov // Innovations in INternationals Research Activity: MAterials of International Panel Discussion, Minsk, March 28, 2013 / author E. A. Dostanko. - Minsk: Publish. centre of BSU, 2013. - P. 65-68. 2.2. Froltsov, V. V. The FRG Security Interests on the Post-Soviet Area in the First Half of the 1990s / V. V. Froltsov // Journal of international law and international relations. - 2012. - № 3. - P. 39-47. 2.3. Froltsov, V. V. FRG Policy towards Poland in 1990s - at the beginning of 2000s: Main Tendencies and Challenges / V. V. Froltsov // Wschodnioznawstwo (Poland). - 2010. - № 2. - P. 139-158. 2.4. Froltsov, V. V. German-Chinese Relations: Problems and Perspectives / V. V. Froltsov // Belarus — China: History, Traditions, Experience, Perspectives: works of International conference (Minsk, June 23—26, 2008). — Ed. 3: in 2 p. P.2 / editorial board: I. A. Malevich, Bay Venli [et al.]. — Minsk: Academy of Management under the aegis of the President of the Republic of Belarus, 2008. — P. 105—114. 2.5. Froltsov, V. V. German Defeat in the Second World War and Its Influence on Contemporary Foreign Policy of Germany / V. V. Froltsov // Current Issues of War and Peace: Materials of Research and Practice Conference, Minsk, March 25, 2005 / MSEU; under the editorship of A. Nl. Alpeev [and oth.]. - Minsk, 2005. - P. 11-15. 2.6. Froltsov, V. V. A. Merkel's First 100 Days: New Foreign Policy or Return to the Policy of H. Kohl? / V. V. Froltsov // Humanities and Economics Bulletin. - 2006. - № 2. - P. 19-26. 2.7. Froltsov, V. V. FRG Foreign Policy after G. Schröder: Challenges and Prospects / V. V. Froltsov // International Web Portal "Wider Europe Review - Neighbourliness without Borders". - 2005. - Vol.2, № 4. 2.8. Froltsov, V. V. The American — German Partnership in the Early Twenty-First Century : A New Challenge / V. V. Froltsov // Connections. The Quarterly Journal. — Sept. 2004. — Vol. 3, No 3. — P. 49—56. 2.9. Froltsov, V. V. The Consequences of the EU Enlargement for German Foreign Policy / V. V. Froltsov // Belarus and the World / RIVSH; under the editorship of L. Loyko. - Minsk, 2004. - Vol. VII. - P. 77-79. 2.10. Froltsov, V. V. The 2002 Bundestag Elections Outcome in the Context of the United Germany Foreign Policy Fromation at the Turn of the XX-XXI centuries / V. V. Froltsov // Current Issues of International Relations and Foreign Policy of Belarus : Workshops Materials, January-December 2002 / BSU Centre for International Studies. - Minsk, 2003. - P. 128-138. 2.11. Froltsov, V. V. Military Factor Intensification in FRG Foreign Policy in 1990s / V. V. Froltsov // Humanities and Economics Bulletin. - 2001. - № 3. - P. 8-14. 2.12. Froltsov, V. V. The FRG and the Problems of European Integration at the End of the 90s / L. M. Khukhlyndina, V. V. Froltsov // Belarusian Journal of International Law and International Relations. - 2001. - № 2. - P. 62-65. 2.13. Froltsov, V. V. Belarus - Germany Relations in 1990s / V. V. Froltsov // News of National Academy of Science of Belarus. - 2001. - № 1. - P. 59-62. 2.14. Froltsov, V. V. NATO Military Action Against Yugoslavia and Its Influence on Political Situation Within FRG / V. V. Froltsov // Humanities and Econimics Bulletin. - 2000. - № 3. - P. 9-16.
3. Current Issues of Political, Economic and Social Situation in Germany at the Turn of XX-XXI Centuries.
3.1. Froltsov, V. V. Christmas Hope of Germany. Time of Angela Merkel / V. V. Froltsov // Belarusian Idea. — 2006. — № 2. — P. 131—138. 3.2. Froltsov, V. V. Why Did Not Angela Merkel Become the German Chancellor. CDU's Leader Political Profile / V. V. Froltsov // Different View: Cross-Disciplinary Anthology of Gender Studies / BSPU named after Maxim Tank: editor-in-chief I. R. Chikalova. - Minsk, 2002. - P. 23-25. 3.3. Froltsov, V. V. The Position of Women in the East Germany in 1990s / V. V. Froltsov // Women in History: Possibility of Being Seen: collection of scientific papers. Ed. 2 / BSPU named after Maxim Tank; editor-in-chief I. R. Chikalova. - Minsk, 2002. - P. 216-226. 3.4. Froltsov, V. V. Gender Factor in German Home and Foreign Policies Formation in 1980s - 1990s / V. V. Froltsov // Women in History: Possibility of Being Seen: collection of scientific papers. Ed. 1 / BSPU named after Maxim Tank; editor-in-chief I. R. Chikalova. - Minsk, 2001. - P. 246-268. 3.5. Froltsov, V. V. East German Factor and Its Influence on FRG Home and Foreign Policy in 1990s: manual / V. V. Froltsov. - Minsk: BSU, 2002. - 121 p. 3.6. Froltsov, V. V. Regional Contradictions in FRG Foreign Policy Strategy Determination at the beginning of 1990s / V. V. Froltsov // BSU Bulletin. Ser. 4. - 2001. - № 1. - P. 48-54. 3.7. Froltsov, V. V. FRG's New Eastern Lands: Main Traits of Political, Economic and Social Tranformation at the beginning of 1990s / V. V. Froltsov // Humanities and Economics Bulletin. - 2000. - № 2. - P. 67-73. 3.8. Froltsov, V. V. Monitoring Methods Analysis of Social and Political Processes in FRG / V. V. Froltsov // Contemporary Statistics 2000: collection of scientific papers / Informstat; under the editorship of V. N. Tomashevich, L. P. Shakhotsko, N. Ch. Bokun. - Minsk, 2000. - P. 268-273. 3.9. Froltsov, V. V. Formation of a Single Political Space of Germany in the early 90s / V. V. Froltsov // Belarusian Journal of International Law and International Relations. - 1999. - № 4. - P. 53-58. 3.10. Froltsov, V. V. Change in Employment Pattern in East Germany in 1990s / V. V. Froltsov // Present-Day Situation and Prospects of Employment and Labour Market in Russia: International Research and Practice Conference Reports and Abstracts, Moscow, October 22, 1999 / State Statistics Committee of Russia. - Moscow, 1999. - P. 122-123.
4. Contemporary International Communication and States' Foreign Information Policy
4.1. Froltsov, V. V. Germany: Image Building. The Role of FRG Information Policy Tools in Relations with the Former Soviet Republics / V. V. Froltsov // Belarusian Idea. - 2013. - № 5. - P. 56-61. 4.2. Froltsov, V. V. Aspects of FRG Information Policy Implementation in the Former Soviet Republics at the beginning of the XXI century / V. V. Froltsov // Information and Documentary Communications in the World Community: Materials of International Research and Practice Conference, Kiev, March 21-22, 2013. National Aviation University / editorial board Tsurmenko I. I. [and oth.]. - Kiev: NAU, 2013. - P. 114-116. 4.3. Froltsov, V. V. Belarus: A Pragmatic Approach toward Moldova / V. V. Froltsov // Moldova: Arena of International Influences / M. Kosienkowski, W. Schreiber (eds.). – New York [etc.]: Lexington Books, 2012. – pp. 1–12. 4.4. Froltsov, V. V. State's Positive Image Formation in the Context of Economic Crisis / V. V. Froltsov // Journalism - 2009: State, Challenges and Prospacts: Materials of the 11th International Research and Practice Conference / editorial board: S. V. Dubovik [and oth.]. - Ed. 11. - Minsk: BSU, 2009. - P. 175-177. 4.5. Froltsov, V. V. Information Policy as a Tool for Economic Cooperation / V. V. Froltsov // Journalism in 2008: Social Agenda and Mass Media Communicative Practical Activities: Materials of All-Russian Research and Practice Conference, Moscow, February 9-11, 2009 / Faculty of Journalism of MSU [and oth.]; executive editor: E. L. Vartanova [and oth.]. - Moscow, 2009.- P. 384-385. 4.6. Froltsov, V. V. The Republic of Belarus Positive Image Building: Main Problems and Foreign Experience / V. V. Froltsov // Journalism - 2007: Current Challenges. Prospects. Materials of the 9th International Research and Practice Conference. Ed. 9. / Editorial board: S. V. Dubovik (editor-in-chief) [and oth.]. - Minsk, 2007. - P. 150-153. 4.7. Froltsov, V. V. Belarus abroad / V. V. Froltsov // Belarusian point of view. — 2007. — N 6. — P. 154—158. 4.8. Froltsov, V. V. Mass media of the Republic of Belarus for foreign audience / V. V. Froltsov // BSU Bulletin. Ser. 4. — 2007. — N 3. — P. 116—123. 4.9. Froltsov, V. V. Historical Experience of FRG International Image Building / V. V. Froltsov // News of ICZ. - 2006. - № 3. - P. 43-46. 4.10. Froltsov, V. V. Some Aspects of Foreign States Information Policy Studies (Evidence from Germany) / V. V. Froltsov // Narodnaya Asveta. - 2006. - № 12. - P. 41-43. 4.11. Froltsov, V. V. Target Group Definition as Main Component of Efficient Overseas Broadcast / V. V. Froltsov // Journalism - 2006: Theory. Practice. Creativity: Materials of the 8 International Research and Practice Conference, dedicated to the 85th Anniversary of Belarusian State University Creation, Minsk, December 1-2, 2006. - Ed. 8 / BSU; editorial board: S. V. Dubovik [and oth.]. - Minsk, 2006. - P. 134-136. 4.12. Froltsov, V. V. FRG Foreign Information Policy in the Context of the EU Enlargement / V. V. Froltsov // Journalism in 2003: Discoveries and Loses, Development Strategies: Materials of Research and Practice Conference, Moscow, February 3-6, 2004/ - P. 1 / Faculty of Journalism of MSU [and oth.]. - executive editor: Ja. N. Zasurski [and oth.]. - Moscow, 2004. - P. 73-75.
5. Educational Materials and Guidelines
5.1. Froltsov, V. V. Aims and Goals of Studying the Subject "Contemporary International Relations" by the Students of Institute of Journalism / V. V. Froltsov // Journalism - 2011: Challenges and Prospects: Materials of the 13 International Research and Practice Conference / Editorial board: S. V. Dubovik (editor-in-chief) [and oth.]. - ed. 13. - Minsk: BSU, 2011. - P. 30-32. 5.2. Geopolitics: guidance manual / L. M. Gaidukevich [and oth.]. — 2nd edition, revised and corrected. - Minsk: BSU, 2011. — 151 p. 5.3. Froltsov, V. V. Problem of Energetic Safety in the Policy of China / V. V. Froltsov // Belarus — China: History, traditions, experience, perspectives: works of International conference (Minsk, June 23—26 2008). — Ed. 3: in 2 p. P.2 / editorial board: I. A. Malevich, Bay Venli [et al.]. — Minsk: Academy of Public Administration under the aegis of the President of the Republic of Belarus, 2008. — P. 124—130. 5.4. History of International Relations: manual. In 4 p. P. 3. International Relations in 1945-1991 / A. A. Rosanov [and oth.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2011. - 487 p. 5.5. Froltsov, V. V. International Communication. Subject Plan for the students of the specialty E 1-23 01 07 "Information and Communication" / V. V. Froltsov. - Minsk: BSU, 2003. - 10 p.