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The Department of Comprehensive Development Studies of the People's Republic of China was established on October 1, 2021.

The lectures of the department for the act of interdepartmental scientific-pedagogical work.

The department is responsible for reading special educational discourses on specialties: "international adnosiny", "international law", "extraordinary economics", "linguistics of the country", "international journalism".

The last work of the department is a comprehensive study of the development of the Chinese People's Republic, the identification of current trends and prospects for the development of the country.

The lectures of the department are regularly used by different scientific and scientific-practical conferences, acts of increasing scientific qualifications.

Address: 20 — room 1119, Leningradskaya str., Minsk, 220030, Belarus
tel.: +375 17 209 57 68, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Address: Minsk, st. Leningradskaya, 20
  • Postal address: 220030, Minsk, пр. Nezavisimosti, 4
  • Phone: +375 17 209 59 77
  • e-mail: fir@bsu.by

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