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The Department of International Economic Relations was established on December 25, 1995

The Department of International Economic Relations was singled out from the Department of Economic Theory of the Faculty of Economy and Philosophy, comprising Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor L. M. Petrovskaya, Candidates of Science (Economics), Associate Professors A. V. Danilchanka, A. A. Nechay, and E. E. Vasilieva.

Currently the Department is headed by Natalia V. Yurova, Candidate of Science (Economics), Associate Professor. Previously the Department was headed by L. M. Petrovskaya, Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor (1995—2001); V. M. Rudenkov, Doctor of Science, Professor (2001—2005) and Aliaxey V. Danilchanka, Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor (2005—2017).

The Department is in charge for graduating students at the I stage of higher education majoring in 1-25 01 03 “World economy”. Specializations of the Department: 1-25 01 03 01 "Management of Foreign Economic Activities" 1-25 01 03 02 "Foreign Trade and Commercial Activities".

At the II stage of higher education specialists are trained majoring in 1-25 80 02 “World economy” The specialists are graduated with an academic degree “Master of Economics”.

The Department prepares highly qualified teaching staff on the specialty 08.00.14 "World Economy". From the Department establishment 2 Doctoral and more than 20 PhD theses have been defended.

More than 20 monographs, 300 scientific articles, theses, reports have been published at the Department. The results of the scientific research were used in more than 25 manuals, practical workbooks and other educational materials.

The Department of International Economic Relations takes part in scientific and publishing activities of the Faculty of International Relations. Thus, since 2003 the Department has been publishing an annual collection of academic papers "Belarus and World Economic Processes"; has been organizing a workshop on the world's economic issues at the annual scientific conference "Belarus in Modern World".

Since 2016 the Department has organized and annually holds the Open World Economy Olympiad of BSU. In the first Olympiad (2016), 302 students from 20 institutions of higher education participated, including 11 regional ones.

In 2016 the Competition of scientific projects of students and undergraduates "Erudite" was successfully held on the theme "World Economy: Current Trends of Development". 37 works from different Universities of the country got for the competition.

The Department of International Economic Relations pays great attention to students’ science. The Department organized students’ R&D laboratory “International Economist”. In 2015 this laboratory took the first place in the Belarus State University competition.

On the initiative of the Department together with the Hochschule Mittweida University of Applied Sciences (Germany) an Educational program of the first stage of higher education has been realized since 2012. This program provides two diplomas: Belarusian and German.

Jointly with Belarusian State University (BSU) Department of International Management and Hochschule Mittweida-University of Applied Sciences (Germany), English-language Magister Programme Industrial Management is being affected. Department’s teachers Malashenkova O.F., Botenovskaya E.C, Kirvel О.Ch., Stolyarova Е.В. developed training courses and lecture within the framework of the programme.

The lecturers of the International Economic Relations Department take an active part in the activities of the Inter-university International Regional Economy and Integration Processes Research Laboratory (IIREIPRL) together with Dalian University of Technology (China) and Pacific National University (Russia).

Address: 20 - room 513, Leningradskaya str., Minsk, 220030, Belarus
tel.: +375 17 209 57 36 , e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Training courses


  • Address: Minsk, st. Leningradskaya, 20
  • Postal address: 220030, Minsk, пр. Nezavisimosti, 4
  • Phone: +375 17 209 59 77
  • e-mail: fir@bsu.by

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