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Faculty of International Relations

          Depending on the acquired qualification graduates of the Faculty will be granted an opportunity to work in the ministries and Government offices, which develop and promote macroeconomic and foreign economic policy, in customs authorities and banking, in tourism industry and in the sphere of language education and intercultural communication as well as in other employment in public administration enterprises of private and mixed ownership forms.

International Relations Faculty prepares students for employment in the following specializations within four years:

International Relations (qualification: “Major in International Relations. Translator and Analyst (specifying the language)”). 

          Main courses: two foreign languages; History of International Relations, Current Issues of Foreign Policy of the Republic of Belarus; the humanities and social sciences, Current International Relations and Foreign Policy of the States, the Theory of International Relations.

          Special courses: Diplomatic Protocol and Etiquette, International Protection of Human Rights, Peculiarities of International Position and Foreign Policy of Certain Countries and Regions, International Security, International Communication, Activities of International Organizations, Economic Diplomacy of the Republic of Belarus, Modern Diplomatic Service of States.

International Law (qualification: “International Lawyer with the command of two foreign languages (specifying the language)”). 

          Main courses: two foreign languages; General Theory of Law; History of State and Law of Foreign States and the Republic of Belarus, Constitutional Law, Civil Law, Employment Law, Administrative Law, Criminal Law etc.

          Special courses: Diplomatic Protocol and Etiquette, International Humanitarian Law, the Law of Treaties, International Environmental Law, International Contract Law, International Economic Law, International Trade Law, International Customs Law, International Human Rights Law, International Cooperation in Crime Control, International Copyright Protection.

Linguistic and Country Studies (qualification: “International Expert in Oriental Studies. Translator and Analyst (specifying the language)”). 

          Main courses: Oriental Language, Western Language, History of International Relations, Hieroglyphics (alphabet) of the Language Learned, General Linguistics, Theoretical Grammar, Stylistics of the Language Learned,  Practical Course in Translation from the Oriental Language, Speech Practice, The History of the Region under Study, International Organizations, Economic and Social Geography of the Region under Study, International Conflicts, the Countries of the Region in International Relations.

          Special courses: Eastern Philosophy, Eastern Literature and Mythology, Economics and Political System of the Countries of the Region under Study.

          In 2019 the following Oriental languages: Chinese, Japanese and Arabic will be offered within the framework of specialization “Linguistic and Country Studies”.

World Economy (Qualification: Economist).

          Core Courses: two foreign languages, Economics, Advanced Mathematics, Computer Science, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics International Economic Relations, Economic Policy of the Republic of Belarus, International Management, International Trade Finance, Competition Strategy.

          Courses of Specialisation: International Trade Insurance; International Trade Economics, International Economic Organisations; Foreign Trade Law; Finance, Credit and Monetary Systems; Economic Policy – Customs, Trade, Investment, Foreign Exchange; International Economic Integration; Anti-Dumping Rules in International Trade; Foreign Trade Policy; International Business; Leadership and Management in Foreign Trade.

Management; Subfield: Management in International Tourism (Qualification: «Manager-Economist; Interpreter Consultant to/from two foreign languages.

          Core Courses: two foreign languages, Advanced Mathematics, Computer Science, Accounting, Banking and Credit, Foreign Trade Policy, Economics, Macroeconomics, Global Economics and International Trade Relations, Global Economic and Social Geography.

          Courses of Specialisation: Personnel Management, Organization and Methodology of Visitor Interpretation; International Hospitality Industry, Legal Foundations of International Tourism, Geography and Economics of International Tourism, World Museums, Marketing in Tourism, Advertising and Public Relations in International Tourism, Forecasting in the International Tourism Market, International Business Accounting Systems, Geography of International Tourism, Ecotourism, International Communications in Tourism.

Customs Affairs (Qualification: Customs Affairs Specialist).

          Core Courses: Global Economics and International Economic Relations; Advanced Mathematics; Management in Customs; Customs Logistics, International Law, two foreign languages, etc.

          Courses of Specialisation: Tariff and Non-tariff Regulation of Foreign Trade, Merchandising and International Trade Nomenclature, Customs Law, Customs Transactions and Procedures, Customs Duties, Customs Inspection, Customs Enforcement, International Cooperation in Customs Affairs.

+375 17 209-53-32 (mobility)

+375 17 209-53-51 (apply)

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  • Address: Minsk, st. Leningradskaya, 20
  • Postal address: 220030, Minsk, пр. Nezavisimosti, 4
  • Phone: +375 17 209 59 77
  • e-mail: fir@bsu.by

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