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Department of International Relations
Professor of the Department, 
Doctor of Science (Philosophy)


Workes at the Department of International Relations since September 2, 2013. Before headed the Department of Philosophy and Social Science at Institute of Political Science and Social Management (Minsk), and the Department of Political Science and Council on award of the Doctoral degree (Political Science) at BSU. For many years has been working at the diplomatic service. Has diplomatic rang of Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. Was a member of the Collegium of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Headed the International Security and Arms Control Department of Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Worked at the Department of Political Affairs and the Security Council Affairs at the UN Secretariat in New-York, as Deputy Permanent Representative of the Republic of Belarus in the European Union and NATO, Minister Councellor of Belarusian Ambassy in China.

Courses taught

World Policy

Major publications

  1. Baichorov, A. M. Problems of the USA Democratic Powers Consolidation in Contemporary Environment. - Minsk: BSU Publish. Centre named after V. I. Lenin, 1975. - 160 p.
  2. Baichorov, A. M. The USA in 1970s: Social Challenges and Controversies. - Minsk: Belarus, 1979. - 206 p.
  3. Baichorov, A. M. From "Beat Generation" to Counterculture (Paradoxes of the Youth Protects in the USA). - Minsk: BSU Publish. Centre named after V. I. Lenin, 1982. - 142 p.
  4. Baichorov, A. M. Neocolonialism: Political and Social Goals and the Ways for Expansion. - Minsk: Belarus, 1984. - 174 p.
  5. Baichorov, A. M. Neocolonialism and International Terrorism. - Minsk: Universitetskoe, 1985. - 158 p.
  6. Baichorov, A. M. Political Science in Brief: manual. - Minsk: Minsk High Military and Political Combined-Arms College, 1991. - 176 p.
  7. Baichorov, A. M. Sinification: Power Rise of China and its Global Consequences in the XXI Century. - Moscow: Mezhdunarodnye Otnosheniya, 2013. - 188 p.
  8. Baichorov, A. M. International Non-Proliferation Regimes and Belarusian Export Control Policy / A. M. Baichorov // Belarus in the World. - 2002. - № 2.
  9. Baichorov, A. M. North Atlantic Alliance: Adjustment to the Realities of the XXI Century / A. M. Baichorov // Belarus in the World. - 2004. - № 2.
  10. Baichorov, A. M. Security Model for the XXI Century Europe / A. M. Baichorov // Belarusian Journal of International Policy Issues. - Vol 1. - № 1. - Spring 1996. - P. 18-22.
  11. Baichorov, A. M. Harmonization of Newly Independent States Export Control Systems and Intrnational Non-Proliferation Regimes: materials of the International Workshop "Export Control in Newly Independent States: Legal and Administrative Challenges and Opportunities". - Minsk: Eridan, 1995. - P. 84-88.
  12. Baichorov, A. M. Stocktaking of "Authoritarian and Totalitarian Regimes" Concept / A. M. Baichorov // Belarusian State University named after V. I. Lenin. - 1984. - № 1. - P. 47-50.
  13. Bajcorov, A. Die Theorien der “postindustriellen Gesellschaft” im Dienste des modernen Antikommunismus. – Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift, 27. Jahrgang – Heft 2, 1979, p. 227-238.
  14. Baichorov, A. Disarmament and economic demilitarization. In Belarus: tuning to people. National Human Development Report. Minsk: UNDP, 1995. - P. 45-48.
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  • Address: Minsk, st. Leningradskaya, 20
  • Postal address: 220030, Minsk, пр. Nezavisimosti, 4
  • Phone: +375 17 209 59 77
  • e-mail: fir@bsu.by

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