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Department of English for International Professional Activities
Senior Lecturer 

Brief Information
1978-1983 - study in Moscow State University, philological faculty in speciality "teaching foreign language ("English);
1983-1995 - worked as teacher of English in the school #7 in Borisov;
1993-1995 - Head section of English teachers in the educational department of Borisov regional committee;
1995-1998 - worked as a lecturer of English at the faculty of psychology and foreign languages in the pedagogical university in Minsk;
1998-2000 - worked as an interpreter and founder in the tourist agency "Eurotransservice" in Minsk;
2001-20011 - worked as a senior lecturer of English at the economic faculty of Minsk Institute of Management ( nowadays it's Minsk Innovative University);
Since 2011- senior lecturer in English BSU humanities.

Scientific interests
Cognitive Psychology, the theory of professional communication, English for specific purposes (Linguistic. International Relations)

deputy Head of the Chair of English for the Humanities (Ideology)

Courses taught
"Western foreign language", Specialty 1-23 March 1 "Linguistic".;
"Foreign language (second, English), 1-23 January 1 speciality "International Relations",
"Foreign language of professional activity (second, English), 1-23 January 1 speciality "International Relations".

For students
Study materials "Geopolitics. Globalisation." linguistic department, 5th year course study.
Study guide "Secondary education in the UK" , linguistic department, 1st year course study.

Major publications

  1. Zagorskaya L.N. "Consumer or Customer". Practice of teaching foreign languages af the Faculty of Economics. /MIM, -Minsk, 2005.
  2. Zagorskaya L.N. "The role of innovative technologies in teaching of foreign languages in the orocess of learning a second foreign language" / L.N Zagorskaya // Intercultural communication and professionally oriented foreign language teaching. / Materials of 6 international scientific conference, Minsk, October 28, 2011/BSU. - Minsk, 2011. - p.191.
  3. Zagorskaya L.N., Solovieva S.V. "Some important features of the perception of time people from different cultures/ LN Zagorskaya, SV Solovieva// Intercultural communication and professionally oriented foreign language teaching. Materials of the 7th International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 92 anniversary of the Belarusian State University, Minsk, October 30, 2013 / the Editorial: VG Shadursky(et al). Minsk: BSU Publishing Centre, 2013.-pp 26-27.
  4. Solovieva SV, Zagorskaya LN "Essay on English language:;the main difficulties in teaching practice at the present stage".// Intercultural communication and professionally oriented foreign language teaching: Materials of the 8th Int.Sc.conf., dedicated to the 93 anniversary of the BSU, Minsk, 30 Oct.2014/ tge editorial VG Shadursky (pre.) (Et.al).- Minsk publ.BSU Centre, 2014. -p.p.248-249.
  5. Zagorskaya L.N., Solovieva S.V. "Evaluation criteria of Field Specific Presentation in English" / LN Zagorskaya, S.V Solovieva // The practice of teaching foreign languages at the Faculty of International Relations: the electronic collection. Vol. 4, 2014. -p.p.13-14.
  6. Zagorskaya L.N. "Written communication -sociocultural component in teaching foreign languages". / L.N. Zagorskaya // The practice of teaching foreign languages at the Faculty of International Relations: the electronic collection. Vol.6, 2016, Minsk, BSU.
Contacts: phone: +375 17 209 57 62, fax: +375 17 209 57 42, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




  • Address: Minsk, st. Leningradskaya, 20
  • Postal address: 220030, Minsk, пр. Nezavisimosti, 4
  • Phone: +375 17 209 59 77
  • e-mail: fir@bsu.by

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