Professional /academic career
2001 – 2008: Lecturer, Belarusian State University, Faculty of International Relations, Department of English for Economics
2008 – present: Senior Lecturer, Belarusian State University, Faculty of International Relations, Department of English for Economics
Academic Area and Research Topics
Foreign language teaching, English for Specific Purposes, cross-cultural communication, business cultures, critical thinking, multimedia technologies in foreign language teaching
Course Involvement
General English, English for Specific Purposes
CiVELT for ESP University teachers within English for Engagement and Employability – English Teacher Development Programme, British Council Ukraine, March 2018.
- Maisiuk, Y. L. The role of vocabulary in teaching a foreign language / Y. L. Maisiuk, O. F. Kurachek // Proceedings of the international scientific- practical conference of young scientists and students. — Minsk: BIL, 2004. — P. 298-299.
- Maisiuk, Y. L. On effective methods of teaching foreign vocabulary / Y. L. Maisiuk, O. F. Kurachek // Belarus in the modern world: proceedings of the III international scientific-practical conference. — Minsk: BSU, 2004. — P. 223-224.
- Maisiuk, Y. L. The application of conceptual schemes theory in the process of reading foreign texts / Y. L. Maisiuk // Proceedings of the international scientific- practical conference of young scientists and students. — Minsk: BIL, 2004. — P. 344-345.
- Maisiuk, Y. L. Use of autonomous learning techniques for effective learning of foreign vocabulary / Y. L. Maisiuk // Proceedings of the international scientific- practical conference of young scientists and students. — Minsk: BIL, 2005. — P. 219.
- Maisiuk, Y. L. On the use of authentic fiction in teaching English / Y. L. Maisiuk // Proceedings of the international scientific- practical conference of young scientists and students. — Minsk: BIL, 2006.
- Maisiuk, Y. L. On the use of effective strategies for reading authentic texts in teaching English / Y. L. Maisiuk // Intercultural communication and profession-oriented teaching foreign languages: conference proceedings of the I st International scientific conference dedicated to the 86th anniversary of BSU, Minsk, 30 October 2007; editor: V. G. Shadursky [and others]. – Minsk, 2007. – P. 125 – 126.
- Maisiuk, Y. L. Test yourself: study guide / compiled by: T. E. Vasilevskaya [and others]. — Minsk: BSU, 2011. — 44 p.
- Maisiuk, Y. L. The role of voluntary projects in educational process at university / E.V. Grinevich, Y. L. Maisiuk // The role of civil society, social and legal state in protection and enforcement of human rights: materials of the 2nd interuniversity scientific conference, Grodno, May 24 2012 / Grodno branch of BIL — Grodno, 2012. — P. 392—394.
- Maisiuk, Y. L.. Analysis of advertising slogans in the context of cultural differences / E.V. Grinevich, Y. L. Maisiuk // Contemporary issues of law, economic and liberal arts: materials of research-to-practice conference of academic staff, doctoral students and students, Minsk, April 19, 2012 / Belarusian institute of law; editorial: S. F. Sokol [and others]. — Minsk: BIL-S PLUS, 2012. — P. 274—275.
- Maisiuk, Y. L. Development of emotional intelligence in the process of teaching a foreign language // Intercultural communication and profession-oriented teaching foreign languages: conference proceedings of the VI International scientific conference, Minsk, 30 October 20012; editor: V. G. Shadursky [and others]. – Minsk, 2012. – P. 30
- Maisiuk, Y. L. On the use of periodicals in teaching a foreign language. / Y. L. Maisiuk // Practical issues of teaching foreign languages at the Faculty of International Relations BSU: e-collection of scientific articles. / BSU, FIR. – Minsk, 2012. – Issue 2. – P. 65-66.
- Maisiuk, Y. L. Strategies for teaching foreign vocabulary in the university / Y. L. Maisiuk, O. F. Kurachek // Contemporary issues of law, economic and liberal arts: materials of the III research-to-practice conference of academic staff, doctoral students and students. — Minsk: BIL, 2013. — P. 244-246.
- Maisiuk, Y. L. Peculiarities of acquisition of communicative skills in Business English studies / Y. L. Maisiuk, O. F. Kurachek // Intercultural communication and profession-oriented teaching foreign languages: conference proceedings of the VII International scientific conference, Minsk, 30 October 2013; editor: V. G. Shadursky [and others]. – Minsk, 2013. – P. 147-148.
- Maisiuk, Y. L. To the problem of teaching students speech interaction / Y.L. Maisiuk, O.V. Volyntseva // Intercultural communication and profession-oriented teaching foreign languages: conference proceedings of the VII International scientific conference, Minsk, 30 October 2013; editor: V. G. Shadursky [and others]. – Minsk, 2013. – P. 169-170.
- Maisiuk, Y. L. Peculiarities of teaching vocabulary at an advanced stage / Y.L. Maisiuk / Practical issues of teaching foreign languages at the Faculty of International Relations BSU: e-collection of scientific articles. / BSU, FIR. – Minsk, 2013. – Issue 3. – P. 43-44.
- Maisiuk, Y. L. Case method at the lesson of English language / E.V. Grinevich, Y. L. Maisiuk // Practical issues of teaching foreign languages at the Faculty of International Relations BSU: e-collection of scientific articles. / BSU, FIR. – Minsk, 2014. – Issue 4. – P. 319.
- Maisiuk, Y. L. About newspaper and journal articles in teaching process of foreign languages / E.V. Grinevich, Y. L. Maisiuk // Practical issues of teaching foreign languages at the Faculty of International Relations BSU: e-collection of scientific articles. / BSU, FIR. – Minsk, 2014. – Issue 4. – P. 319.
- Maisiuk, Y. L. Forms of work with students who tend to have alexithymia / E.V. Grinevich, Y. L. Maisiuk // Intercultural communication and profession-oriented teaching foreign languages: conference proceedings of the VIII International scientific conference, Minsk, 30 October 2014; editor: V. G. Shadursky [and others]. – Minsk, 2014. – P. 247-248.
- Maisiuk, Y. L. About mistakes correction in the process of foreign language teaching / E.V. Grinevich, Y. L. Maisiuk // Intercultural communication and profession-oriented teaching foreign languages: conference proceedings of the VIII International scientific conference, Minsk, 30 October 2014; editor: V. G. Shadursky [and others]. – Minsk, 2014. – P. 212 – 214.
- Maisiuk, Y. L. Analysis of critical situations as a way to improve the effectiveness of teaching a foreign language / Y. L. Maisiuk // Practical issues of teaching foreign languages at the Faculty of International Relations BSU: e-collection of scientific articles. / BSU, FIR. – Minsk, 2015. – Issue 5. – P. 49-50.
- Maisiuk, Y. L. On some aspects of professional development of foreign language teachers / Y. L. Maisiuk, E. V. Grinevich // Intercultural communication and profession-oriented teaching foreign languages: conference proceedings of the IX International scientific conference, Minsk, 29 October 2015; editor: V. G. Shadursky [and others]. – Minsk, 2015. – P. 196-198.
- Maisiuk, Y. L. Infographics at foreign language classes / E.V. Grinevich, J. L. Maisuk // Intercultural communication and profession-oriented teaching foreign languages: conference proceedings of the IX International scientific conference, Minsk, 29 October 2015; editor: V. G. Shadursky [and others]. – Minsk, 2015. – P. 234-235.
- Maisiuk, Y. L. Autonomy as a factor of stimulating motivation within the framework of teaching a foreign language / Y. L. Maisiuk // Practical issues of teaching foreign languages at the Faculty of International Relations BSU: e-collection of scientific articles. / BSU, FIR. – Minsk, 2016. – Issue 6. – P. 80-81.
- Maisiuk, Y. L. On the role of motivation in foreign language teaching / Y. L. Maisiuk, E. V. Grinevich // Intercultural communication and profession-oriented teaching foreign languages: conference proceedings of the X International scientific conference, Minsk, 27 October 2016; editor: V. G. Shadursky [and others]. – Minsk, 2016. – P. 218-219.
- Maisiuk, Y. L. Annotation and reviewing teaching using materials from English-speaking journalism / E.V. Grinevich, Y. L. Maisiuk // Intercultural communication and profession-oriented teaching foreign languages: conference proceedings of the X International scientific conference, Minsk, 27 October 2016; editor: V. G. Shadursky [and others]. – Minsk, 2016. – P. 147-148.
- Maisiuk, Y. L. The choice and development of study materials for teaching business foreign language / Y. L. Maisiuk, E. V. Grinevich // Practical issues of teaching foreign languages at the Faculty of International Relations BSU: e-collection of scientific articles. / BSU, FIR. – Minsk, 2017. – Issue 7 – P. 69-70.
- Maisiuk, Y. L. Critical thinking as a skill and its development among students / E.V. Grinevich, Y. L. Maisiuk // Practical issues of teaching foreign languages at the Faculty of International Relations BSU: e-collection of scientific articles. / BSU, FIR. – Minsk, 2017. – Issue 7. – P. 54.
- Maisiuk, Y. L. On some aspects of teaching Business English / Y. L. Maisiuk, L. P. Toropova // Intercultural communication and profession-oriented teaching foreign languages: conference proceedings of the XI International scientific conference dedicated to 96th anniversary of Belarusian State University, Minsk, 25 October 2017; editor: V. G. Shadursky [and others]. – Minsk, 2017. – P. 165-166.
- Maisiuk, Y. L. Developing non-verbal communication skills in English classes/ Zhukovets O.S., Maisiuk, Y. L. // The Practice of teaching foreign languages at the Faculty of international relations of BSU: electr. collection of articles / Belarusian State University, Faculty of international relations. - Minsk, 2018. - Vol. 8. - P. 73 - 75.
- Мaisiuk, Y. L. On the issue of teaching vocabulary in high school. / I.N. Paseishvili, Y.L. Maisiuk// Practical issues of teaching foreign languages at the Faculty of International Relations, BSU: collection of scientific articles BSU. - Minsk, 2018. - Issue 8. - P. 83 - 86.
- Maisiuk, Y. L. Using case method in teaching ESP in higher education establishments / Y. L. Maisiuk // Intercultural communication and profession-oriented teaching foreign languages: conference proceedings of the XII International scientific conference dedicated to 97th anniversary of Belarusian State University, Minsk, 26 October 2018; editor: V. G. Shadursky [and others]. – Minsk, 2018. – P. 140 - 141.
- Мaisiuk, Y. L. Motivation as one of the most important tools to increase learning efficiency / Y. L. Maisiuk // Intercultural communication and profession-oriented teaching foreign languages: conference proceedings of the XII International scientific conference dedicated to 97th anniversary of Belarusian State University, Minsk, 30 October 2019; editor: V. G. Shadursky [and others]. – Minsk, 2019. – P. 425 - 431.
- Мaisiuk, Y. L. The use of gamification in teaching a foreign language at the university / Y.L. Maisiuk // Practical issues of teaching foreign languages at the Faculty of International Relations, BSU: collection of scientific articles BSU. - Minsk, 2019. - Issue IX. - P. 94 - 97.
- Майсюк, Ю. Л. Об использовании смешанного обучения в вузе / Ю. Л. Майсюк // Межкультурная коммуникация и профессионально-ориентированное обучение иностранным языкам : материалы XIV Mеждунар. науч. конф., Минск, 29 окт. 2020 г.; редкол.: В. Г. Шадурский [и др.]. – Минск, 2020. - С. 123 - 127.
- Майсюк, Ю. Л. Использование приемов позитивной психологии при обучении иностранному языку в вузе/ Ю. Л. Майсюк // Практика преподавания иностранных языков на факультете международных отношений БГУ : электр. сб. ст. / Белорус, гос. ун-т, ФМО. – Минск, 2020.– Вып. 10 – С. 61 - 63.
- Майсюк, Ю. Л. Английский язык в сфере профессионального делового общения = English for business communication: discussing professional issues : учеб.-метод. пособие / С. А. Дубинко [и др.]. – Минск : БГУ, 2021. – 115 с.
- Майсюк, Ю. Л. О важности совершенствования навыков межличностного общения в процессе обучения в вузе / Ю. Л. Майсюк // Межкультурная коммуникация и профессионально-ориентированное обучение иностранным языкам : материалы XV Международной научной конференции, Минск, 29 октября 2021 г. / редкол.: Е. А. Достанко [и др.]. — Минск: Изд. центр БГУ, 2021. – C. 351 - 357.
- Майсюк, Ю. Л. О некоторых приемах эффективного усвоения информации при обучении иностранному языку в вузе / Ю. Л. Майсюк // Практика преподавания иностранных языков на факультете международных отношений БГУ: электронный сборник трудов преподавателей языковых кафедр ФМО. Выпуск XI. — Минск: БГУ, 2021. – C. 77 - 79.
- Майсюк, Ю. Л. Об использовании приемов позитивной психологии при обучении иностранному языку в вузе / Ю. Л. Майсюк // Межкультурная коммуникация и профессионально ориентированное обучение иностранным языкам = Міжкультурная камунікацыя і прафесійна арыентаванае навучанне замежным мовам: материалы ХVІ Междунар. науч. конф., посвящ. 101-й годовщине образования Белорус. гос. ун-та, Минск, 27 окт. 2022 г. / Белорус. гос. ун-т ; редкол.: Е. А. Достанко (гл. ред.) [и др.]. – Минск: БГУ, 2022. – С. 289 – 295.
- Майсюк, Ю. Л. Об особенностях использования подходов Task-based и Action-oriented при обучении иностранному языку в вузе / Ю. Л. Майсюк // Практика преподавания иностранных языков на факультете международных отношений БГУ : электр. сб. ст. / Белорус. гос. ун-т, ФМО, Минск, 2022 – Вып. 12. – С. 45 - 49.
Maisiuk, Y. L. About effective techniques and strategies for teaching a foreign language at a university / Y.L. Maisiuk // Intercultural communication and vocational-oriented teaching of foreign languages: materials of the XVII international scientific conference. - Minsk, 26 October, 2023/ BSU; editorial board: E.A. Dostanko [and others]. - Minsk, 2023. - P. 265 - 270.
Maisiuk, Y. L. Some aspects of teaching presentation skills in Business English classes / O.S. Zhukovets, Y.L. Maisiuk // Intercultural communication and vocational-oriented teaching of foreign languages: materials of the XVII international scientific conference. - Minsk, 26 October, 2023/ BSU; editorial board: E.A. Dostanko [and others]. - Minsk, 2023. - P. 112-116.
Maisiuk, Y. L. On the use of neuroscience achievements in the practice of teaching a foreign language at a university / Y.L. Maisiuk, O.S. Zhukovets // The practice of teaching foreign languages at the Faculty of International Relations of the BSU: online collection of articles / Belarusian State University, FIR. - Minsk, 2023. - P. 73-78.
Maisiuk, Y. L. On effective ways of structuring students’ knowledge in the process of teaching a foreign language at a university / Y.L. Maisiuk // Intercultural communication and vocational-oriented teaching of foreign languages: materials of the XVIII international scientific conference. - Minsk, 24 October, 2024/ BSU; editorial board: E.A. Dostanko [and others]. - Minsk, 2024. - P. 167-172.
Maisiuk, Y. L. On the formation of metacognition skills in students in the process of studying at the university / Y.L. Maisiuk, E.V. Grinevich // The practice of teaching foreign languages at the Faculty of International Relations of the BSU: online collection of articles / Belarusian State University, FIR. - Minsk, 2024. - P. 5.
Maisiuk, Y. L. Online tools for asynchronous learning / E.V. Grinevich, Y.L. Maisiuk // The practice of teaching foreign languages at the Faculty of International Relations of the BSU: online collection of articles / Belarusian State University, FIR. - Minsk, 2024. - P. 5.