Academic Qualifications
1998 -- Graduated from Minsk State Linguistic University, faculty of the English Language.
1998-present -- Senior Lecturer, Department of English, FIR BSU.
- Kurachek, O.F. Active Tense Forms in Context / OF Kurachek. – Minsk: BSU, 2009. – 50p.
- Kurachek, O.F. The forms of educational process optimization in communicative training to foreign languages / EV Grinevich, OF Kurachek // Intercultural communication and profession oriented teaching foreign languages, 29th October 2010; editor: V.G. Shadursky [and others]. –Minsk, 2010.—P.36-37.
- Kurachek, O.F. Test Yourself / TE Vasilevskaya [and others]. – Minsk, BSU, 2011. – 44p.
- Kurachek, O.F. Teaching Vocabulary to Advanced Level Students: proceedings of 5th International scientific conference, Minsk, BSU, 28th October 2011; editor V.G. shadursky [and others]. –P.80.
- Kurachek, O.F. Effective methods in teaching vocabulary/ OF Kurachek, OV Volyntseva // Teaching foreign languages at the Faculty of International Relations, BSU:e-collection of scientific articles BSU. –issue 1.Minsk, 2011. – P.53-54.
- Kurachek ,O.F. The role of didactic role plays in training to foreign languages / OF Kurachek // The role of civil society and state of law in the realization of human rights: proceedings of 2nd International scientific conference, Grodno, 2012.—P.40-41.
- Kurachek, O.F. Listen and Analyse Grammar / OF Kurachek. – Minsk, 2012. -- 31p.
- Kurachek, O.F. Vocabulary storing techniques / OF Kurachek, OV Volyntseva // Teaching foreign languages at the Faculty of International Relations, BSU: e-collection of scientific articles BSU.Issue 2.,2012.-- P.16-17.
- Kurachek, O.F. The technique of critical thinking development as one of the innovative techniques of competence teaching / OV Volyntseva, OF Kurachek// Intercultural communication and profession oriented teaching foreign languages: proceedings of 6th international scientific conference, editor V.G. Shadursky [and others].Minsk, 2012. P.214-216.
- Kurachek, O.F. Strategies of foreign language teaching / YL Maisyuk, OF Kurachek // Topical Issues of economic and human science ; proceedings of 3d scientific conference, Minsk, 2013. – P.244-246.
- Kurachek, O.F. Application of didactic role plays in foreign language teaching / the role of civil society and state of law in the realization of human rights; proceedings of 3d scientific conference; editor A.V.Razitsyn [and others] .Grodno, 2013. P.389-393.
- Kurachek, O.F. To the issue of grammar peculiarities of Business English / OF Kurachek, OV Volyntseva // Intercultural communication and profession oriented teaching of foreign languages; proceedings of 7th scientific conference; editor: V.G. Shadursky [and others]. – Minsk, 2013. -- P.106-107.
- Kurachek, O.F. Features of communicative skills acquisition in Business English / OF Kurachek , YL Maisyuk // Intercultural communication and profession oriented teaching foreign languages; proceedings of the 7th scientific conference; editor: V.G.Shadursky [and others]. – Minsk, 2013. – P.147-148.
- Kurachek, O.F. On ways to acquire new vocabulary/ Teaching foreign languages at the Faculty of International Relations, BSU.; e-collection of scientific articles BSU.—Minsk, 2013, issue 3. P.42-43.
- Kurachek, O.F. To the question on effective vocabulary learning / OF Kurachek, OV Volyntseva // Intercultural communication and profession oriented teaching foreign languages; proceedings of 8th scientific conference; editor: V.G.Shadursky [and others]. – Minsk, 2014. -- p. 319.
- Kurachek, O.F. Teaching Business English on the basis of newspapers / OS Zhukovets, OF Kurachek // Intercultural communication and profession oriented teaching foreign languages; proceedings of 8th scientific conference; editor: V.G.Shadursky [and others]. – Minsk, 2014. -- p. 200.
- Kurachek, O.F. To the question on the correct phonetic teaching / OF Kurachek, OV Volyntseva // Intercultural communication and profession oriented teaching foreign languages; proceedings of 9th scientific conference; editor: V.G.Shadursky [and others]. – Minsk, 2015. -- p. 229.
- Kurachek, O.F. To the issue of effective introduction of a new foreign language / OF Kurachek, OV Volyntseva // Intercultural communication and profession oriented teaching foreign languages; proceedings of 9th scientific conference; editor: V.G.Shadursky [and others]. – Minsk, 2015. -- p. 171.
- Kurachek, O.F. Topical Issues to Watch and Discuss / Book, Minsk, BSU, 2016. – 68p.
- Kurachek, O.F. Profession oriented vocabulary in scientific articles / OF Kurachek, OV Volyntseva // Intercultural communication and profession oriented teaching foreign languages; proceedings of 10th scientific conference; editor: V.G.Shadursky [and others]. – Minsk, 2016. -- p. 217.
- Kurachek, O.F. To the issue of speaking skills teaching with intensive approach / OF Kurachek, OV Volyntseva // Intercultural communication and profession oriented teaching foreign languages; proceedings of 10th scientific conference; editor: V.G.Shadursky [and others]. – Minsk, 2016. -- p. 167.
- Kurachek, O.F. Efficiency of play element introduced in foreign language teaching / OF Kurachek, OV Volyntseva // Teaching foreign languages at the Faculty of International Relations, BSU: e-collection of scientific articles BSU.Issue 7.,2017.-- P.68.
- Kurachek, O.F. Listening comprehension as a self-study form of language learning / OF Kurachek, OV Volyntseva // Teaching foreign languages at the Faculty of International Relations, BSU: e-collection of scientific articles BSU.Issue 7.,2017. - P.51.
- Kurachek, O. F. New technologies for increasing the quality of teaching English for Specific Purposes / A.S. Tamarina, O. F. Kurachek// Intercultural communication and Professionally Oriented Teaching of Foreign Languages: Materials of the XII Intern. Sci. Conf., Minsk, October 26, 2018 / BSU, FIR; V. G. Shadursky [ed.]. – Minsk, 2018. – P. 159 - 160.
- Kurachek, O. F. An effective assessment of a written task / O. F. Kurachek, A.S. Tamarina// Intercultural communication and Professionally Oriented Teaching of Foreign Languages: Materials of the XII Intern. Sci. Conf., Minsk, October 26, 2018 / BSU, FIR; V. G. Shadursky [ed.]. – Minsk, 2018. – P. 182 - 183.
- Kurachek, O. F. ntegrated teaching of a foreign language / V. B. Galai, O. F. Kurachek // Intercultural communication and professionally oriented teaching of foreign languages: materials of the XIV Intern. scientific. conf., dedicated to the 99th anniversary of the formation of Belarusian state University, Minsk, October 29. 2020 / Belarus. state un-t; editorial board: V.G. Shadurskiy (chief editor) [and others]. - Minsk: BSU, 2020. – P. 300 - 304.
- Kurachek, O.F. Effective teaching of English / V.B. Galai, O.F. Kurachek // Practice of teaching foreign languages at the Faculty of International Relations of BSU: electronic collection. Vol. X. - 2020. - P. 37 - 39.
- Курачек О. Ф. Умение общаться как основной навык / О. Ф. Курачек // Материалы XV международной научной конференции. – Минск, 29 октября 2021 г. / БГУ, ФМО; редкол. : Е. А. Достанко (пред.) [и др.]. — Минск : – С. 348 - 351.
- Курачек, О. Ф. Способы расширения словарного запаса с помощью мобильных устройств / О. Ф. Курачек // Практика преподавания иностранного языка на факультете международных отношений БГУ: электр. сб. ст./ Белорус. гос. ун-т, ФМО. – Минск, 2022. – Вып. XII. - С. 36 - 40.