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Scientific and research work of students of the 1st and 2nd stages of higher education

Scientific and researchwork of students and Master students (SRWS) at the Department of Customs Affairs of the FIR BSU is closely connected with the educational process and is carried out in the framework of the Students Research Laboratory (SRL)"Theory and practice of customs and foreign economic activity", scientific groups, as well as in the format of participation in different student's scientific conferences, colloquia, contests, quizzes,” round tables “and other scientific events. The purpose of the SRWS-is to instill and improve the research skills of students studying in the specialty of "Customs affairs" (the 1st stage of higher education) and "Management in social and economic systems" (the 2nd stage of higher education-Master's degree). The SRWS within the framework of these disciplines is closely connected with themes of the research work of the Department of Customs Affairs of the FIR BSU, approved for the period 2017-2021.

The main tasks of SRWS:

* to carry out research of theoretical and practical nature related to the legal and economic support of customs and foreign economic activity, the history of customs in Belarus, as well as on issues related to the development of international logistics and public administration in social and economic networks;

* to integrate educational process with scientific and practical activity of students studying "Customs affairs" and " Management in social and economic systems»;

* to render educational, methodical and organizational support in scientific approbation of scientific works of students and Master students;

* to improve the quality of training of highly qualified specialists for customs administrations and economic entities which are connected with foreign trade and transport and logistic activity.

The main scientific directions of SRWS at the Department of Customs Affairs of the FIR BSU:

* scientific research in the sphere of customs law;

* law enforcement activity of customs authorities;

* study of economic aspects of customs activity;

*issues related to customs logistics;

* issues related to the history of customs and foreign trade of Belarus;

* customs aspects of integration processes in the framework of regional associations of post-Soviet countries (free trade association, customs and economic unions);

* public and private partnership in the sphere of state regulation of foreign economic activity, issues related to the establishment of partnership relations between customs and business;

* foreign experience in the development of scientifically based proposals for the improvement of customs administration work in the Republic of Belarus;

* research on the use of modern information technologies in customs activities;

* implementation of publishing projects for the publication of student scientific papers;

* implementation of modern techniques and technologies in the educational process in the specialty "Customs affairs" and " Management in social and economic systems»;

* close cooperation with customs and other state institutions of the Republic of Belarus, as well as with business communities to ensure continuity of theoretical and practical training of future specialists in the sphere of public administration

Forms of implementation of SRWS:

* individual work on selected areas;

* collective development of selected research topics and their expertreview;

* scientific and methodological assistance in the preparation of student research papers for participation in scientific Olympiads, national competitions, international and national conferences, “round tables” and other events of a scientific nature;

* involvement of students in scientific and editorial work;

* assistance in the scientific testing of students’ works by assisting in the publication of the results in scientific journals.

Student communities and clubs

* Customs Law enforcement (special task group) - superviser V. A. Ostroga

* Expert-Manager G. M. Vlasov

* Economic development and directions of the state economic policy - superviser N.I. Skirko.

* Economic security - superviser L. I. Tararyshkina

* International logistics- superviser N. G.Kudryashov

* Polish for students of the Department of Customs Affairs- superviser T. Z. Plashchinskaya


  • Address: Minsk, st. Leningradskaya, 20
  • Postal address: 220030, Minsk, пр. Nezavisimosti, 4
  • Phone: +375 17 209 59 77
  • e-mail: fir@bsu.by

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