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Department of English for International Professional Activities







Education: Minsk State Linguistic University (English Language Department; major in

computational linguistics), 2019.

Supplementary Education: General English Course in KKCL Harrow Centre (London, 2016).

Certificate in Advanced English (C1, Grade B) (Cambridge Assessment English, 2021).

Have experience of working with: Danone, 5 Элемент (ЗАО «Патио»), Теплосила, Kufar, Сoca-Cola Beverages, SearchInform, Softline (20182020).

Academic Area and Research Topics:

Computational Linguistics, Foreign Language Teaching, translation studies.

  1. Skvortsova, A.S. Approaches to automatic identification of value judgments / A.S. Skvortsova // Karpov’s Scientific Readings: Collection of scientific articles. i. 11: in 2 parts / A.I. Smut (ed). – Minsk: ITC of the Ministry of Finance, 2017. – Part 1. – Pp. 291–295.
  2. Skvortsova, A.S. Principles of automatic analysis of public opinion on an object / A.S. Skvortsova // Materials of the annual scientific conf., Minsk, 5–6 May, 2017 [Electronic resource] / N.P. Baranova (ed). – Minsk: MSLU, 2017. – 1 CD-ROM: col. – Pp. 346–347.
  3. Skvortsova, A.S. Ways of expressing value judgments in a written text / A.S. Skvortsova // Materials of the annual scientific conf., Minsk, 19–20 April, 2018: in 3 parts / N.P. Baranova (ed). – Minsk: MSLU, 2018. – Part 1. – Pp. 161–162.
  4. Skvortsova, A.S. Evaluation review as a special type of text / A.S. Skvortsova // Young Scientists in Innovative Search: Materials of the VI-th Intern. scientific Conf., Minsk, 23–24 May, 2017 / T.P. Karpilovich (ed). – Minsk: MSLU, 2018. – Pp. 47–51.
  5. Skvortsova, A.S. On the essence of the concept of assessment in linguistics / A.S. Skvortsova // Collection of scientific articles / V.G. Shadursky (ed). – i. 21. – Minsk: Four quarters, 2019. – Pp. 233–235.
  6. Skvortsova, A.S. Language markers of public opinion about the organization / A.S. Skvortsova // Innovative scientific research in the modern world: collection of articles based on the materials from Intern. scientific and practical conf., Ufa, 23 May, 2019: in 3 parts – Ufa: Scientific Research Center Vestnik Nauki, 2019. – Part 2. – Pp. 194–199.
  7. Skvortsova, A.S. Automatic analysis of the organization's reputation / A.S. Skvortsova // Science today: tasks and ways to solve them: materials of the intern. scientific and practical conf., Vologda, 29 May, 2019 – Vologda: Marker, 2019. – Pp. 85–88.
  8. Skvortsova, A.S. Formal model of the system of automatic analysis of public opinion about the organization / A.S. Skvortsova // Young scientists in innovative search: materials of the VIII-th Intern. scientific conf., Minsk, 29–30 May, 2019 / T.P. Karpilovich (ed). – Minsk: MSLU (in press).
  9. Skvortsova, A.S. Modeling the process of automatic analysis of public opinion about the organization / A.S. Skvortsova // Social and humanitarian knowledge as a catalyst for social development: collection of scientific articles based on the materials of intern. scientific and practical conf., Belgorod, 31 May, 2019: in 2 parts / E.P. Tkacheva (ed). – Belgorod: Agency for Advanced Scientific Research (APNI), 2019. – Part 1. – Pp. 63–67.
  10. Skvortsova, A.S. Lexical approach to the creation of a system for automatic analysis of the reputation of enterprises in the hotel and restaurant business of the Republic of Belarus / A.S. Skvortsova // Perspective scientific research: experience, problems and development prospects: collection of articles based on the materials of intern. scientific and practical conf., Ufa, 17 June, 2019: in 2 parts – Ufa: Scientific Research Center Vestnik Nauki, 2019. – Part 2. – Pp. 33–41.
  11. Skvortsova, A.S. Ways of improving the system of automatic analysis of the reputation of enterprises in the hotel and restaurant business of the Republic of Belarus / A.S. Skvortsova // Questions of general linguistics, semasiology and text linguistics: collection of scientific articles. / Chuvash. State Pedag. University; N.V. Kormilina, N.Yu. Shugaeva (ed). – Cheboksary: Chuvash. State Pedag. University, 2019. – Pp. 158–164.
  12. Skvortsova, A.S. Principles of the database formation of the automatic analysis system of public opinion about the organization / A.S. Skvortsova // Materials of the annual scientific conf., Minsk, 18-19 April. 2019: in 4 parts / N.P. Baranova (ed). – Minsk: MSLU, 2019. – Part 4. – Pp. 161–163.
  13. Skvortsova, A.S. Automatic analysis of the reputation of enterprises in the hotel and restaurant business of the Republic of Belarus (based on the texts of English-language Internet reviews) / A.S. Skvortsova // XXVI Republican competition of scientific works of students [Results of the Republican competition of scientific works of students in HEI, 1st category]. - [Electronic resource]. - Minsk, 2019. 
  14. Martynovich, A.S. The study of English-language evaluative Internet reviews in the applied aspect (based on statements about the hotel and restaurant business enterprises of the Republic of Belarus) / A.S. Skvortsova // Intercultural communication and professionally oriented teaching of foreign languages: materials of the XIV Intern. scientific. conf., Minsk, 29 October 2020 / edit.: V.G. Shadurskiy [and others]. - Minsk, 2020. - p. 185 - 190. 
  15. Martynovich, A.S. Lexical approach to ensuring the correctness of automatic analysis of evaluative Internet reviews / A.S. Skvortsova // Applied linguistics: heritage and modernity: materials of scient. readings, Minsk, 16 October 2020 / edit: O.M. Dorogokupets-Novitskaya [and others]. - Minsk, 2020. - P. 5.  
  16. Martynovich, A. S., Reconstruction of cognitive dissonance while self-translating / A. S. Martynovich // Teaching foreign languages at the BSU International Relations Faculty: electronic collection of articles. i. X.  — Minsk: BSU, 2020. P. 67 – 69. 
  17. Мартынович, А. С. Компенсация и нулевой перевод при передаче лексики и фразеологизмов на русский язык (на материале параллельных художественных текстов) / Н. Н. Скворцова, А. С. Мартынович // Междунар. науч. конф. «Язык. Коммуникация. Культура», 28–29 окт. 2021 г., г. Гродно. – ГрГУ, 2021. - C. 5.  
  18. Мартынович А. С. Стилеобразующие грамматические явления в литературно-художественном наследии двуязычного писателя (в аспекте дидактики перевода) / Н. Н. Скворцова, А. С. Мартынович // Межкультурная  коммуникация и профессионально ориентированное обучение иностранным языкам = Міжкультурная камунікацыя і прафесійна арыентаванае навучанне замежным мовам: материалы ХV  Междунар. науч. конф., посвящ. 100-летию образования Белорус. гос. ун-та, Минск, 28–29 окт. 2021 г. / Белорус. гос. ун-т; редкол.: Е. А. Достанко (гл.  ред.) [и др.]. – Минск: БГУ, 2021. - C. 68 - 74.
  19. Мартынович, А. С. Аспектные категории и термины в автоматическом анализе оценочных высказываний англоязычных пользователей о белорусских предприятиях гостиничного и ресторанного бизнеса / А. С. Мартынович // Практика преподавания иностр. языков на факультете международных отношений БГУ: электронный сборник трудов преподавателей языков кафедр ФМО. Выпуск XI. – Минск: БГУ, 2021. - C. 91 - 93.
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  • Address: Minsk, st. Leningradskaya, 20
  • Postal address: 220030, Minsk, пр. Nezavisimosti, 4
  • Phone: +375 17 209 59 77
  • e-mail: fir@bsu.by

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