Collections of publications:
1.Eurasian Economic Union: interim results and prospects for the development of the integration project. / Collection of materials of the international scientific-practical conference; Edited by A.V. Rusakovich. - Minsk, 2017. - 66 p.
2. 25 years of the Belarusian-German relations: prospects and possible points of contact. / Collection of materials of the international scientific-practical conference; Edited by A.V. Rusakovich. - Minsk, April 20, 2017. - 68 p.
- Rusakovich A.Belarusian-German relations in 1990s / Rusakovich A. / Minsk: Theseus, 2003. – p. 264.
- Foreign Policy of the Republic of Belarus in 2000s / Malevich Y., Pribytkovsky F., Rozanov A., Rusakovich A., Selivanov A., Semak E., Snapkovsky V., Tihomyrov A., Froltsov V., Chelyadinsky A., Sheveleva M ; Ed. by Sharapo A. – Minsk : BSU, 2010. – p. 84.
- Rusakovich A. Germany in Belarusian Foreign Policy (1990-2012) / Rusakovich, A. – Minsk : RIPO, 2015. – p. 424.
Articles in scientific periodicals in accordance with paragraph 18of Clause aboutawarding of academic degrees and assignment of academic titles in the Republic of Belarus
- Rusakovich A.Formation of the legal framework of relations between the Republic of Belarus and the Federal Republic of Germany in 1990s / Rusakovich, A. // Research on problems of economic, labor and political-legal relations, training and education : ed. board: Veselov Y. (and others). – Minsk: MITSO, 2002. – pp. 177-185.
- Romanova, N. Belarusian-German relations in the context of the expansion of the EU/ Romanova N., Rusakovich A. // Belarus in the world. – 2003. – №1. – pp. 31-35.
- Rusakovich A. Main problems of the relationship between the Republic of Belarus and the organization of the North Atlantic Treaty in 1990s / the main problems of the relationship between the Republic of Belarus and the organization of the North Atlantic Treaty/ Belarusian magazine about international law and international relations. – 2003. – №2. – pp 42-50.
- Russakowitsch, A. Weissrussland / А. Russakowitsch // Handbuch der Ausländer– und Zuwanderungspolitik. Von Afghanistan bisZypern / hrsg. W. Gieler. – Münster : LIT, 2003. – S. 730–736.
- Rusakovich A. Compliance problems of collective bargaining in Republic of Belarus and world practice / Rusakovich A. // Labor. Unions. Society. – 2005. – №1. – pp. 42-47.
- Rusakovich A. United Nations: activity problems and reformation prospects / Rusakovich A. // Labor. Unions. Society. – 2006. – №2. – pp. 86-92.
- Rusakovich A. International Labor Organization and Belarus: 50 years of interaction / Rusakovich A. // Magazine of international law and international relations. – 2006. – №4. – pp. 47-55.
- Rusakovich A. International legal aspects of recovery of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Belarus and the Federal Republic of Germany / Rusakovich A. // Labor. Unions. Society. – 2007. – №3. – pp. 79-83.
- Rusakovich A. Belarusian-Polish economic cooperation: problems and prospects / Rusakovich A. // Polska – Białoruś. Wybraneaspektypolityczneigospodarcze/ red. M. S. Wolańkiego, G. Tokarza. – Toruń, 2007. – S. 75–88.
- Rusakovich A. Participation of higher education institutions of Belarus in European educational projects TEMPUS / Rusakovich A., // Labor. Unions. Society. – 2008. – №2. – pp. 42-46.
- Rusakovich A. Legal base of interaction of the Republic of Belarus and the Federal Republic of Germany: formation and development in 1991–2006 // Rusakovich A. // Labor. Unions. Society. – 2008. – №4. – pp. 23-27.
- Rusakovich A.Belarusian-Polish economic cooperation: new paradigm? / Rusakovich A. // Białoruś – Polska. Przeszłośćiteraźniejszość / red. M. S. Wolańkiego, G. Tokarza. – Wrocław, 2008. – S. 107–118.
- Russakowitsch, A. Russland / A. Russakowitsch //AußenpolitikeuropäischerStaaten.VonAlbanienbisZypern / hrsg. W. Gieler, M. Boots. – Bonn: ScientiaBonnensis, 2008. –S. 263–272.
- Rusakovich A.New trends in Belarusian-German politicalrelations at the present stage/ Rusakovich A. // Magazine of international law and international relations. – 2009. – №2. – pp. 25-31.
- Rusakovich A.Belarusian-German relations at the beginning of the XXI century: economic aspect / Rusakovich A. // Magazine of international law and international relations. – 2009. – №4. – pp. 43-50.
- Rusakovich A.The main problems of the Belarusian-German relations in 2001 – 2003 / Rusakovich A. // Brest University. Humanitarian and social science series. – 2009. – №4. – pp. 123-133.
- Rusakovich A.The main trends of the Belarusian-German relations in 2004- 2006 / Rusakovich A. // Magazine of international law and international relations. – 2010. – №2. – pp. 43-49.
- Rusakovich A.,Belarus and the European Union: key parameters of interaction at the present stage / Rusakovich A. // Wschodnioznawstwo. – Wrocław, 2010. – S. 37–52.
- Rusakovich A.Belarus-Germany: a new paradigm of political relations / Rusakovich A. // Magazine of international law and international relations. – 2011. – №1. – pp. 45-52.
- Rusakovich A. CIS: from Viskuly to our days / Rusakovich A. // Belarusian thought. – 2012. – №2. – pp. 32-4
- Belarusian-German relations in the context of globalization / Rusakovich A. //BSU News. Vol. 3: History, Economics, Law. – 2012. – №3. – pp. 36-41.
- Rusakovich, A.V. Belarusian-German relations in the context of the policy of "critical interaction" (end of 2010 - first half of 2012) / A. V. Rusakovich // Proceedings of the Faculty of International Relations: scientific. Sat - Minsk: BSU, 2012. - Vol. 3. - pp. 42–46.
- Rusakovich A. Foreign policy aspects of reproduction of Belarus and Germany diplomatic relations (1991-1992 gg.) / Russakovich // Belarusian. hist. magazine. - 2012. - № 9. - p. 27-31.
- Rusakovich A.,Belarus - European Union: achievements and contradictions in partnership / Rusakovich A. // Republic of Belarus between East and West/ scientific ed.: Tymanovsky Y. (and others). – Warsaw: Warsaw University 2012. – pp.
- Rusakovich A., Republic of Belarus: between the Eastern Partnership and the Eurasian Union / Rusakovich A. // Lower Silesia for a united Europe. International Regional cooperation is the foundation for development and security / ed. by Jewicky A. (and others). – Wroclaw, 2012. – pp. 46-64.
- Russakowitsch, A. Religion in Weißrussland / А. Russakowitsch // Handbuch der Religionen der Welt: in 5 Bd. / hrsg. M. Porsche-Ludwig, J.Bellers. – Nordhausen: VerlagTraugottBautzCmbH, 2012. – Band 1: Amerika und Europa.– S. 453–458.
- Russakowitsch, A. Russland / A. Russakowitsch// AußenpolitikimeuropäischerVergleich. EinHandbuch der StaatenEuropas von A–Z / hg. W. Gieler. – Berlin : LIT, 2012. – S. 393–407.
- Rusakovich A., Features of the interaction of Belarus and Germany in the economic sphere (2008-2011) / Rusakovich A. // BSPU News Vol. 2 : History. Philosophy. Politics. Social Studies. Economics. Culture Studies. – 2013. – №2. – 63-67.
- Rusakovich A., Political relations between Belarus and Germany in the second half of 1996-1997 / Rusakovich A. //Scientific works collection of the Faculty of International Relations: scientific. coll. - Minsk: BSU, 2013. - Vol. 4. - pp. 16–23.
- Rusakovich A.,Belarus’s participation in the implementation of the final settlement regarding Germany in 1990-1994 / Rusakovich A. //Wschodnioznawstwo. – Wrocław, 2013. – S. 19–27.
- Rusakovich A.,Main areas of Belarusian and German foreign policy research in 1990s / Rusakovich A. //Magazine of international law and international relations. – 2014. – №1. – pp. 15-26.
- Rusakovich A., Belarusian and German foreign policy in 2000s research : main aspects / Rusakovich A. //Magazine of international law and international relations. – 2014. – №2. – pp. 12-24.
- Barahvostov P., European Union policy towards post-Soviet Eastern European States in 2004-2014 / Barahvostov P., Rusakovich A. // // Magazine of international law and international relations. – 2014. – №4. – pp. 9-15.
- Rusakovich A.,The problem of developing the periodization of Belarus’s relations with Germany in the 1990s – 2000s in domestic and foreign studies/ Rusakovich A. //Scientific works collection of the Faculty of International Relations: scientific. coll. - Minsk: BSU, 2014. - Vol. 5. - pp. 49–54.
- Russakowitsch, A. Weißrussland / А. Russakowitsch // HandbuchEuropäischerSozialpolitiken / hg. M. Porsche-Ludwig, J. Bellers, W. Gieler. – Münster: LIT, 2014. – S. 212–216.
- Rusakovich, A. Relations with Germany in the foreign policy of Belarus in the context of global changes in the post-Soviet space (end of 2013 - beginning of 2015) / Rusakovich A. // Scientific works collection of the Faculty of International Relations: scientific. coll. - Minsk: BSU, 2015. - Vol. 6. - pp. 30–38.
- Rusakovich, A. Belarus in the Eurasian Economic Union/ Rusakovich, A. // PolskaiBiałoruś we współczesnejEuropie / red. Naukova J. Tymanovski, A. Daniluk, J. Bryll. – Warszawa, 2015. – pp. 159–174.
- Rusakovich, A. The change in the Geopolitical situation in the former Soviet Union after 2014 / A. Rusakovich // Collective Security Treaty Organisation and Contingency Planning after 2014 / Ed. by Douhan A. and Rusakovich. A. – Geneva–Minsk, DCAF–FPSRC, 2016. – pp. 5–33.
- Rusakovich, A. Formation of the Eurasian Economic Union and of the Development Collective Security Treaty Organisation / A. Rusakovich // Collective Security Treaty Organisation and Con-tingency Planning after 2014 / Ed. by Douhan A. and Rusakovich A. – Geneva–Minsk, DCAF–FPSRC, 2016. – pp. 95–115.
- Rusakovich, A. Cooperation of higher educational institutions of Belarus and the countries of the European Union from the example of the Tempus project “Developing a new curriculum in the field of European economic law” / Rusakovich, A. // National statehood and European integration processes: Scientific works collection in 2 p./ed. board: Balashenko S. [and others]. - Minsk: Publishing Center of BSU, 2008. - Vol. 2: Problems of unification of legislation in the Commonwealth of Independent States and the European Union - pp. 173–174.
- Rusakovich, A. Germany and Poland in the system of foreign policy priorities of Belarus at the beginning of the XXI century / Rusakovich, A. // Problems of foreign policy and security. Belarus - Poland: history and prospects of cooperation / ed. board: Rusakovich, A (ed.) [and others]. - Minsk: Theseus, 2009. - pp. 110–124.
- Rusakovich, A. Current Belarusian-German interaction / Rusakovich, A. // Scientific works collection of the Faculty of International Relations: scientific. coll. - Minsk: Theseus, 2010. - Vol. 1. - pp. 17–22.
- Interaction of Belarus with Germany and China in the context of the global financial and economic crisis: an attempt at comparative analysis / Rusakovich, A. // Belarus - China: Scientific coll. / ed. Strazhev, V. [and others]. - Minsk: BSU, 2010. - Vol. 8: China in the modern world. - pp. 115-120.
- Rusakovich, A. Foreign Policy of Belarus: Traditions and Modernity / Rusakovich, A. // Scientific works collection of the Faculty of International Relations: scientific. coll. - Minsk: BSU, 2011. - Vol. 2. - pp. 17–23.
- Russakowitsch, A. Belarus – Deutschland: ZweiJahrzehntezwischenstaatlicherBeziehungen / А. Russakowitsch // IfD focus. 20 Jahre Deutsch-BelarussischeKooperation. – 2012. – № 1. – pp. 4–12.
- Rusakovich, A. Investment advantages of the Republic of Belarus in connection with its participation in the Eurasian integration / Rusakovich, A.// Baltic Rim Economies. Quarterly Review. Special issue on the Future of Belarus. – 2012. – № 3. – pp. 15–16.
- Rusakovich, A. Changing the geopolitical situation in the post-Soviet space after 2014 / Rusakovich, A. / / Organization of the Collective Security Treaty and contingency planning after 2014 / ed. by Dovgan E. and Rusakovich A. - Geneva; Minsk, 2015. - pp. 5–38.
- Formation of the Eurasian Economic Union and the development of the Collective Security Treaty Organization / Rusakovich, A. // Collective Security Treaty Organization and contingency planning after 2014 / ed. by Dovgan E. and Rusakovich A. - Geneva; Minsk, 2015. - pp. 109–133.
- Rusakovich A.V. Position of Belarus in the EAEU / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus in the EAEU: in search of a format of mutually beneficial cooperation / Center for Eurasian Studies, Workbook No. 1, July 2017. - M., 2017. - p. 19–20.
- Rusakovich, A. Eastern Partnership Countries and Eurasian Integration in 2012~2015 / P. Barakhvostov, A. Rusakovich // Journal of Economic Integration. 2017 December;32(4):804-841.
- Rusakovich, A.V. Preface / A.V. Rusakovich // Eurasian Economic Union: Interim Results and Prospects for the Development of an Integration Project: Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, Minsk, October 20, 2017 / ed. A.V. Rusakovich - Kiev: The Fund. F. Ebert, 2017. - p. 4-5.
- Rusakovich, A. Some Trends in the Development of Modern Diplomacy / A.V. Rusakovich // Diplomacy of Belarus: Past and Present: proceedings of a scientific seminar, Minsk, March 23, 2017 / BSU, Faculty of International Relations; Public Association Center for the Study of Foreign Policy and Security; Editorial: V.G. Shadursky [and others]. - Minsk: BSU, 2017. - p. 22—25
- Rusakovich, A.V. Diplomacy of the Republic of Belarus in the Conditions of Eurasian Integration / A.V. Rusakovich / Belarus in the modern world: materials of the XVI Intern. scientific conf., dedicated. 96th anniversary of the formation of Belarus. state Minsk, 25 oct. 2017 = Belarus at the best of the day: materiyaly XVI Mizhnar. navuk. canf. 96-year-old Belarus. Dzyarzh. University, Minsk, 25 kastr. 2017 / redkol. : V.G. Shadursky [and others]. - Minsk: Ed. Center of BSU, 2017. - p. 337-338
- Rusakovich A.V. Mechanisms for the implementation of the European Union’s policy towards the Eastern Partnership countries (2009–2014) / P.A. Barakhvostov, A.V. Rusakovich // Actual problems of social and humanitarian knowledge in the context of ensuring national security: Proceedings of the IV Intern. scientific-practical Conf., Minsk, 14-15 apr. 2016, in 3 parts, part 3. - Minsk: BA RB, 2017. - p. 37-41.
- Rusakovich, A.V. Some aspects of Belarus-NATO relations in the context of the modernization of the international security system / A.V. Rusakovich // International Security and NATO in 2017: Coll. materials of the international seminar, Minsk, December 15, 2017 / ed. A. A. Rozanov, A. V. Rusakovich - Minsk: RIVSh, 2018. - p. 52–58.
- Rusakoviç, A. Türkiye’nin AB’ye Entegrasyonu: Sorunlar ve Perspektifler / A. Rusakoviç // Türkiye’Dış Politikasi: Belarus ve Türk Akademisyenlerinin Gözüyle / Ed. B. Günay. – İstanbul, İstanbul Üniversitesi: 2015. – P. 265–278
- Rusakovich A.V. Foreign Policy of Belarus: Search for Identity in the Context of the Challenges of Modernity / A.V. Rusakovich // Regional integration processes and Belarus: philosophical and ideological foundations, development trends, experience in socio-political modeling. Belarusian political science: diversity in unity: materials of VIII Intern. scientific-practical Conf., Grodno, May 17–18, 2018, in 2 parts, part 2. - Grodno, GrSU, 2018. - p. 125–128.
- Rusakovich A.V. Educational and methodical, scientific and practical support of the academic discipline “Integration processes in the post-Soviet space”: some aspects / A. V. Rusakovich // Study of international relations in the Republic of Belarus: state and prospects: materials Resp. scientific-practical conf., dedicated. The 25th anniversary of the Department of International Relations of the BSU (Minsk, October 6, 2017) / redkolll: M.E.Chesnovsky (previous) and [other]. - Minsk: Four quarters, 2018. - p. 68–72.
- Rusakovich, A. Belarus–Germany: main trends and stages of the development of intergovernmental relations in the 1990s – first half of the 2010s / A. Rusakovich // International relations. – 2018. – №1. – P. 10–17
Articles in collections of academic papers published in the context of an academic conference
- Rusakovich, A.V. State-political relations between the Republic of Belarus and the Federal Republic of Germany in the 1990s: problems and prospects / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus i Germany: history and asnasters: materials scient.. conf., Minsk, May 23, 2002 / eddition William F. Ladys. - Minsk: MSLU, 2002. - P. 141–154.
- Rusakovich, A. The problem of compensation to the victims of Nazism in the Belarusian-German relations in the 1990s. / Rusakovich, A. // Foreign Policy of Belarus in Historical Retrospective: Materials of the Intern. scientific Conf., Minsk, May 24–25, 2002 / ed.: K. Bayer [and others]. - Minsk, 2002. - pp. 213–217
- Rusakovich, A. Results and prospects of state and political relations between the Republic of Belarus and the Federal Republic of Germany (1991–2002) / Rusakovich, A. // Current issues of international relations and foreign policy of Belarus: materials of scientific. seminars, Minsk, January – December 2002 / ed. by Bayer K. [and others]. - Minsk: Theseus, 2003. - pp. 60–77.
- Rusakovich, A. NATO Relations - Belarus in the 1990s / Rusakovich, A. // NATO and European security in the XXI century: materials of the Intern. Seminar, Minsk, June 27–28, 2002 / ed.: Rozanov A. [and others]. - Minsk: Theseus, 2003. - pp. 49–70.
- Rusakovich, A. New trends in the Belarusian-Polish cooperation in conditions of neighborhood of Belarus and the European Union / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus-Poland: the path to cooperation: materials of the Intern. scientific Conf., Minsk, 11 Nov. 2004 / ed. board: Sharapo A. (ed.) [and others]. - Minsk: BSU, 2005. - pp. 87–93.
- Rusakovich, A. Belarusian-German relations in the second half of 2005 - early 2006 / A.V. Rusakovich / / Belarus and Germany: History and Modernity: Materials of the International Scientific Conference, Minsk, May 12, 2006 / Kavalenya A. (chief editor) [and others]. - Minsk: MSLU, 2007. - p. 212–217.
- Rusakovich, A. Restoration of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Belarus and the Federal Republic of Germany / Rusakovich, A. // Belarus and Germany: History and Modernity: Materals of the International Scientific Conference, Minsk, 26 apr. 2007 / ed. board: Kavalenya, A. (chief editor) [and others]. - Minsk: MSLU, 2007. - Vol. 6. - p. 252–258.
- Rusakovich, A. Belarusian-German relations (at the end of 2006 - beginning of 2008) / Rusakovich, A. // Belarus and Germany: History and Modernity: Materals of the International Scientific Conference, Minsk, 25 apr., 2008. - Minsk: MSLU, 2009. - Vol. 7. - pp. 153–159.
- Rusakovich, A. The role of European educational projects TEMPUS in reforming of higher education in Belarus / Rusakovich, A. // 21. Gadsimtajaunatne: ğimene, izglĭtĭba, karjra: starptautiskāzinātniscipraktikā - Rezekne; Riga, 2009. - pp. 56–62.
- Rusakovich, A. Belarusian-German relations in the conditions of development and overcoming the global financial and economic crisis / Rusakovich, A. // Overcoming the financial and economic crisis: the experience of Germany and Belarus: materials of the Intern. scientific-practical Conf., Minsk, Oct. 19, 2010 / Friedrich Ebert Foundation [and others]. - Minsk: Loginov I., 2010. - pp. 8–14.
- Rusakovich, A. Social partnership: the experience of Belarus and Germany / Rusakovich, A. // Socially-oriented model of economic development: the experience of Germany and Belarus: materials of the Intern. scientific-practical Conf., Minsk, May 18, 2011 / Friedrich Ebert Foundation [and others]. - Minsk: Loginov I., 2011. - pp. 23–29.
- Rusakovich, A. Belarus - European Union: Main problems of partnership / Rusakovich, A. // Topical issues of Belarusian-Polish relations: the 20th anniversary of the Treaty between the Republic of Poland and the Republic of Belarus on Good-Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation of 23 June 1992 year: materials of the Belarusian-Polish round table, Minsk, 19 June. 2012 / ed. board : Shadurskiy V.(sc. ed.) [and others]. - Minsk: BSU, 2012. - pp. 80-86.
- Rusakovich, A. Belarus - NATO: controversial partnership / Rusakovich, A. // International Security and NATO in New Conditions: Materials of the Sc. Coll. of the Intern. Seminar, Minsk, 15–16 Dec. 2011 / ed. board: Rusakovich A. (chief editor) [and others]. - Minsk: Magic, 2012. - pp. 85–91.
- Rusakovich, A. Current permanent feature of the Foreign Policy of the Republic of Belarus / Rusakovich, A. / // The new word in the history and culture: V Intern. Congress of belorusists "The new word in Belarusian Studies", Minsk, 20-21 May, 2010 / ed. Sushi A. - Minsk: Four quarters, 2012. - pp. 249-259.
- Rusakovich, A. Belarus in the System of Regional Security / Rusakovich, A. // International Security and NATO in a Changing World: Coll.of the Materials of The Intern. Seminar, Minsk, 13–14 Dec. 2012, March 14, 2013 / ed. by Rozanova A. and Rusakovich A. - Minsk: NIHE, 2013. - pp. 63–70.
- Rusakovich, A. Belarus and Kazakhstan: the realities of Eurasian integration and the potential of cooperation with the European Union / Rusakovich, A. // Kazakhstan and Belarus - 20 years together. On the way to the Eurasian Union: materials of the Intern. seminar, Minsk, 20 Dec, 2012 - Minsk: Academy of Public Administration under the aegis of the President of the Republic of Belarus , 2013. - pp. 39–50.
- Rusakovich, A. Belarus - Estonia: Features and Prospects of Cooperation / Rusakovich, A. // International Security and NATO in the Modern World: Coll. Materials Intern. Seminar, Minsk, 5–6 Dec., 2013 / under the editorship of Rozanov A. and Rusakovich A. - Minsk: NIHE, 2014. - p. 95–101.
- Rusakovich, A. Common Foreign Policy and Security Policy of the European Union: Formation and Features / Rusakovich, A. // European Union and the Republic of Belarus: Prospects for Cooperation: Coll. Materials Intern. Conf., Minsk, June 5–6, 2014 / ed. board: Shadurskiy V. [and others]. - Minsk: Publ. Center of BSU, 2014. - pp. 21–27.
- Barakhvostov, P. Association agreements between the European Union and Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine / Barakhvostov P., Rusakovich A. // Belarusian-Polish relations: Past and Present: Proceedings of the international. round table, Minsk, 30 Oct. 2014 / the ed. board: Shadurskiy V. (chief editor.) [and others]. - Minsk: Publ. Center BSU, 2015. - pp. 98-102.
- Rusakovich, A. Formation of the interstate relations of Belarus and Germany (mid 1990– early 1992) / Rusakovich, A. // 25 years of Belarusian-German relations: prospects and potential common grounds: materials of the international scientific-practical conference, Minsk , April 20, 2017 / ed. by Rusakovich A. - Kiev: Foundation of Friedrich Ebert, 2017. - pp. 38–43.
Proceedings of abstracts:
- Rusakovich, A. Belarusian-German Relations in 1991–1999: Results and Problems / Rusakovich, A. // German and Slavic Worlds: Mutual Influence, Conflicts, Dialogue of Cultures: Proceedings of the Intern. scientific theory Conf., Vitebsk, 6–8 Dec. 2001 / Kosmach V. (chief editor). - Vitebsk: Vitebsk. state University Press, 2001. - pp. 436–438.
- Rusakovich, A. Belarusian-German cooperation in the field of training in the economic sphere in the 1990s / Rusakovich, A. // Education as a tool for managing the quality of life: materials of the Intern. Conf., Minsk, 25–26 Oct. 2001 / ed. : Veselov, Y. [and others]. - Minsk: MITSO, 2002. - pp. 174–177.
- Rusakovich, A.V. Program of Support of Belarus by the Federal Government of Germany / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus and Germany: history i present: materials mizhnar. Sciences. Conf., Minsk, May 16, 2003 / gal. Ed. AA Kovalenya. - Minsk State Linguistic University, 2003. - P. 6-9.
- Rusakovich, A.V. Formation of the policy of the European Communities in relation to the republics of the former USSR (December 1991 - February 1992) / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus in the modern world: materials I Resp. scientific Conf., Minsk, October 22–23. 2002 / Redkol. : A.V. Sharapo [et al.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2003. - p. 53–56.
- Rusakovich, A.V. Main directions of the program of support of Belarus by the federal government of Germany / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus in the modern world: mes. report II rep. scientific Conf., Minsk, 17–18 dec. 2003 / Redkol. : A.V. Sharapo [et al.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2004. - p. 32–33.
- Rusakovich, A.V. Main Trends in German Foreign Policy at the Beginning of the 21st Century / A.V. Rusakovich / / Belarus i Germania: history i suzasnasts: materiyalyly mizhnar. Navuki canf., Minsk, 22 kras. 2004 / gal. red A. A. Kavalenya, S. Ya. Novіkaў. - Minsk: MDLU, 2004. - p. 211–214.
- Rusakovich, A.V. The Role of Trade Unions in Germany in the Formation of a Welfare State / A.V. Rusakovich // Trade Unions in a Socially Oriented Market Economy: Proceedings of the Intern. scientific-practical conf. 100th anniversary of the union. Movement of Belarus, Minsk, 22–23 Apr. 2004 / Redkol. : N. E. Potapenko (ed.) [Et al.]. - Minsk: MITSO, 2004. - p. 259–262.
- Rusakovich, A.V. Germany in the European Union / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus i Germania: history i suchnasnasts: materiyalyla mezhnar. Navuki canf., Minsk, May 13, 2005 / redkal. : A. A. Kavalenya (Gal. Red.) [І інш.]. - Minsk: MDLU, 2005. - p. 192–195.
- Rusakovich, A.V. Social Partnership: The Experience of Germany / A.V. Rusakovich // Ideology and Practice of Social Partnership: Experience and Development Prospects: Materials of the X Interuniversity Scientific and Practical Society. Conf., Gomel, Feb. 1 2006 - Gomel: GF UO FPB MITSO, 2006. - P. 58–60.
- Rusakovich, A.V. Interaction of the ILO and the Republic of Belarus: achievements and prospects / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus in the modern world: mes. report V Intern. scientific conf., dedicated. 85th anniversary of Belarus. state University, Minsk, Nov. 3 2006 / Redkol. : A.V. Sharapo [et al.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2007. - p. 76–77.
- Rusakovich, A.V. International legal aspects of the restoration of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Belarus and the Federal Republic of Germany / A.V. Rusakovich // Actual problems of state and law in the Slavic world: materials of the Intern. scientific Conf., Vitebsk, April 26–27 2007 / Redkol. : V.V. Bochkov [et al.]. - Vitebsk: UO VSU, 2007. - p. 211–212.
- Rusakovich, A.V. Separate Aspects of the Formation of the Conceptual Foundations of the Foreign Policy Course of the Republic of Belarus in the Middle of 1994 / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus in the Modern World: Proc. report VI Intern. scientific conf., dedicated. 86th anniversary of Belarus. state Minsk, 30 oct. 2007 / Redkol. : A.V. Sharapo [et al.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2007. - P. 69–71.
- Rusakovich, A.V. Prospects for the dialogue between Belarus and the European Union / A.V. Rusakovich // Actual problems of the development of law at the present stage: materials of the round table, Minsk, April 3. 2007 / ed. : S.V. Boriko [et al.]. - Minsk: MITSO, 2007. - P. 67–70.
- Rusakovich, A.V. Cooperation of the Byelorussian SSR and the International Labor Organization (1954–1991) / A.V. Rusakovich // Anniversary scientific readings devoted to the 15th anniversary of MITSO, Minsk, March 1–2, 2007: Sat. st. : in 3 hours / rev. : A.P. Durovich [et al.]. - Minsk: MITSO, 2007. - Part 2. - P. 47–52.
- Rusakovich, A.V. Cooperation of higher educational institutions of Belarus and Germany in the field of law in the framework of the TEMPUS program / A.V. Rusakovich // Actual problems of development of law at the present stage: materials of the round table, Minsk, 3 apr. 2007 / ed. : S.V. Boriko [et al.]. - Minsk: MITSO, 2007. - P. 70–72.
- Rusakovich, A.V. New trends in the Belarusian-German relations at the present stage / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus in the modern world: materials of the VII Intern. conf., dedicated. The 87th anniversary of the formation of Belarus. state Minsk, 30 oct. 2008 / Redkol. : V.G. Shadursky [et al.]; Byelorussian. state un-t - Minsk: Theseus, 2008. - p. 47–48.
- Rusakovich, A.V. The joint statement on the basis of relations between the Republic of Belarus and the Federal Republic of Germany is the most important result of the Belarusian-German negotiations in August 1994 / A.V. Rusakovich // Problems of the development of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus at the present stage: materials of scientific. -pract. Conf., Minsk, March 28, 2008: at 2 pm / Rev. : V. F. Ermolovich (ed.) [And others]. - Minsk: MITSO, 2008. - Part 1. - P. 47–49.
- Rusakovich, A.V. Activities of the Belarusian-German Economic Cooperation Council in 1992–2009 / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus in the modern world: materials of the VIII Intern. scientific conf., dedicated. 88th anniversary of the formation of Belarus. state Minsk, 30 oct. 2009 / redkl. : V.G. Shadursky [et al.]; Byelorussian. state un-t - Minsk: Theseus, 2009. - p. 44–45.
- Rusakovich, A.V. Belarusian-German political relations in 2009–2010: some aspects / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus in the modern world: materials of the IX Intern. scientific conf., dedicated. 89th anniversary of the formation of Belarus. state University, Minsk, Oct. 29. 2010 / redkl. : V. G. Shadursky [et al.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2010.– P. 45–46.
- Rusakovich, A.V. “Minsk Forum” and “Economic Forum” as a platform for dialogue between representatives of Belarus and EU countries / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus-Poland: two years ago: Belarusian-Polish roundtable became, Minsk, 30 castrychnika 2014 / redkal. : V. G. Shadurskі (navuk. Red.) [І інш.]. - Minsk, 2010. - P. 116–119.
- Rusakovich, A.V. On New Opportunities for Cooperation of Belarus with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in the Sphere of Information Activity / A.V. Rusakovich // NATO: Challenges of the Present and the Future: Proceedings of the Intern. Seminar, Minsk, 10 Dec. 2009 / redkl. : A.V. Rusakovich (ed.) [And others]. - Minsk: Theseus, 2010. - p. 66–69.
- Rusakovich, A.V. Belarusian-German relations at the end of 2010–2011: main aspects / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus in the modern world: materials of the X Int. scientific conf., dedicated. 90th anniversary of the formation of Belarusian. state Minsk, 28 oct. 2011 / Redcol. : V. G. Shadursky [et al.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2011. - P. 41–43.
- Rusakovich, A.V. Features of the CIS Development at the Present Stage / A.V. Rusakovich // State – Legal Regulation of Integration Processes in the Post-Soviet Space: Proceedings of the Intern. scientific-practical Conf., Vitebsk, April 20–21. 2012 / Redcol. : A. A. Bochkov (ed.) [And others]. - Vitebsk: EI "VSU named after P. Masherov", 2012. - P. 224–226.
- Rusakovich, A.V. State of Belarusian-German relations at the end of 2011 - 2012 / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus in the modern world: materials of the XI Intern. scientific conf., dedicated. 91 anniversary of the formation of Belarusian. state Minsk, 30 oct. 2012 / Redcol. : V. G. Shadursky [et al.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2012. - p. 61–63.
- Rusakovich, A.V. Eastern Partnership: Achievements and Prospects: “Round Table” / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus in the Modern World = Belarus at a Good Time: Materials of the XII International. conf., dedicated. 92 anniversary of the formation of Belarus. state Minsk, 30 oct. 2013 / Redkol. : V. G. Shadursky [et al.]. - Minsk: Ed. Center of BSU, 2013. - p. 348–350.
- Rusakovich, A.V. Investigation of interstate relations of Belarus and Germany in 1990–2000s: the problem of periodization / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus in the modern world = Belarus at the most important point: materials of the XIIth International. conf., dedicated. 92 anniversary of the formation of Belarus. state Minsk, 30 oct. 2013 / Redkol. : V. G. Shadursky [et al.]. - Minsk: Ed. Center of BSU, 2013. - P. 51–53.
- Rusakovich, A.V. The evolution of the transcription of the name “Belarus” in the German scientific literature in the 1990–2000s. / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus in the modern world = Belarus at the most important level: materials of the XIII Intern. conf., dedicated. 93th anniversary of the formation of Belarus. state Minsk, 30 oct. 2014 / Redcol. : V. G. Shadursky [et al.]. - Minsk: Ed. Center of BSU, 2014. - P. 370–372.
- Rusakovich, A.V. “Diplomacy-catalyst” on the example of the activities of the public association “Center for the Study of Foreign Policy and Security” / A.V. Rusakovich // Diplomacy of Belarus: past and present: Sat. materials of scientific Seminar, Minsk, March 6, 2015 / ed. A. V. Rusakovich. - Minsk: BSU, 2015. - p. 37–40.
- Rusakovich, A.V. Creation of the Eurasian Economic Union and Security Problems in the Post-Soviet Space / A.V. Rusakovich // International Security and NATO in 2014: Coll. Materials Intern. Seminar, Minsk, 4–5 dec. 2014 / under the editorship of A. A. Rozanov, A. V. Rusakovich. - Minsk: RIVS, 2015. - P. 69–71.
- Rusakovich, A.V. Relations of Belarus with Germany: Achievements and Prospects / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus in the modern world = Belarus at the most important time: materials of the XIV International. conf., dedicated. 94th anniversary of the formation of Belarus. state University, Minsk, Oct. 29. 2015 / redkol. : V. G. Shadursky [et al.]. - Minsk: Ed. Center of BSU, 2016. - p. 306–307.
- Rusakovich, A.V. Turkey's Integration into the European Union: Historical Aspects and the Present / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus and Turkey: Experience of Civilization Interaction: Materials of the International Round Table on the 20th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations of the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Turkey / Redkoll. S. N. Khodin [et al.]. - Minsk: RIVS, 2015. - p. 55–65.
- Rusakovich, A.V. Main Security Issues in the Post-Soviet Space / A.V. Rusakovich // International Security and NATO in 2015: Sat. materials of the international seminar, Minsk, December 8, 2015 / under the editorship of A. A. Rozanov, A. V. Rusakovich. - Minsk: RIVS, 2016. - p. 71–73.
- Rusakovich, A.V. Politics of Belarus in relation to Germany in 1990–2015: main results / A.V. Rusakovich // Diplomacy of Belarus: Past and Present: Sat. materials of scientific of the seminar, Minsk, March 16, 2016 / under the editorship of A. V. Rusakovich. - Minsk: BSU, 2016. - pp. 32—37.
- Rusakovich, A.V. Belarusian-German cooperation: main trends in 2015 / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus in the modern world = Belarus at the best of the day: materials of the XV International. conf., dedicated. 95th anniversary of the formation of Belarus. state Un-one, Oct. 27. 2016 / Redkol. : V. G. Shadursky [et al.]. - Minsk: Ed. Center of BSU, 2016. - P.341-343.
- Rusakovich, A.V. The post-Soviet space in the foreign policy concept of the Russian Federation at the present stage / A.V. Rusakovich // International Security and NATO in 2016: Sat. materials of the international seminar, Minsk, December 15, 2016 / under the editorship of A. A. Rozanov, A. V. Rusakovich - Minsk: RIVS, 2017. - p. 64–67.
Articles in encyclopedias
- Rusakovich, A.V. European commission/ A.V. Rusakovich// Trade unions of Belarus: encycl. : in 2 vol. - Minsk: Publishing House of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus, 2011. - Vol. 1. - P. 570.
- Rusakovich, A.V. European parliament/ A.V. Rusakovich// Trade unions of Belarus: encycl. : in 2 vol. - Minsk: Publishing House of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus, 2011. - Vol. 1. - P.573
- Rusakovich, A.V. European Union / A.V. Rusakovich// Trade unions of Belarus: encycl. : in 2 vol. - Minsk: Publishing House of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus, 2011. - Vol. 1. - P.574
- Rusakovich, A.V. Council of Europe / A.V. Rusakovich// Trade unions of Belarus: encycl. : in 2 vol. - Minsk: Publishing House of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus, 2011. - Vol. 2. - P.377
Educational editions
- Rusakovich, A.V. European Union / A.V. Rusakovich. - Minsk: Asobny Dakh, 2004. - 120 p.
- Prannik, TA The History of the State and Law of Belarus: studies. Method. manual / T. A. Prannik, A. V. Rusakovich. - Minsk: MITSO, 2008. - 80 p.
- Rusakovich, A.V. Basics of Diplomatic and Consular Services: studies.-method. complex / A.V. Rusakovich. - Minsk: MITSO, 2008. - 40 p.
- 114. Organizational and protocol support for the international activities of the university / V. G. Shadursky, V. L. Shapurov, G. N. Mikhalkevich, A. V. Rusakovich, A. V. Selivanov. - Minsk: RIVSH, 2013. - 114 p.