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Department of Eurasian Studies
Doctor of Science (History)


In 1989 graduated from the Faculty of History of Belarusian State University (Major – “History”). In 1988—1999 was working in Belarusian State University, in 2000—2001 – in Belarusian State University of Physical Culture, in 2001-2008 - Head of the Department of International Institute of Labour and Social Relations. From 2008 on the Faculty of International Relations of the Belarusian State University: in 2008—2014 — Associate Professor, in 2014—2021 — Head of the Department of Diplomatic and Consular Service, from 2021 — Professor of the Department of Eurasian Studies.  In 2016 defended doctor thesis. A. Rusakovich took part in the implementation of a number of international projects in the field of higher education. Research interests: integration processes in the post-Soviet space, history of Belarusian foreign policy, Belarusian-German relations, problems of international security. Author of more than 200 educational and scientific works.


Deputy Chairman of the Permanent Commission of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus on International Affairs and National Security.

Civil service / Diplomatic service / Psychology of an international specialist (4 course: International tourism, Linguistics, Customs)

Negotiation Practice (3rd year, International Law)

Policy of the Republic of Belarus in integration associations (4th year, International Relations)

Problems of Eurasian Security (4th year, International Relations)

Collections of publications:

1.Eurasian Economic Union: interim results and prospects for the development of the integration project. / Collection of materials of the international scientific-practical conference; Edited by A.V. Rusakovich. - Minsk, 2017. - 66 p.

2. 25 years of the Belarusian-German relations: prospects and possible points of contact. / Collection of materials of the international scientific-practical conference; Edited by A.V. Rusakovich. - Minsk, April 20, 2017. - 68 p.


  1. Rusakovich A.Belarusian-German relations in 1990s / Rusakovich A. / Minsk: Theseus, 2003. – p. 264.
  2. Foreign Policy of the Republic of Belarus in 2000s / Malevich Y., Pribytkovsky F., Rozanov A., Rusakovich A., Selivanov A., Semak E., Snapkovsky V., Tihomyrov A., Froltsov V., Chelyadinsky A., Sheveleva M ; Ed. by Sharapo A. – Minsk : BSU, 2010. ­­– p. 84.
  3. Rusakovich A. Germany in Belarusian Foreign Policy (1990-2012) / Rusakovich, A. – Minsk : RIPO, 2015. – p. 424.

Articles in scientific periodicals in accordance with paragraph 18of Clause aboutawarding of academic degrees and assignment of academic titles in the Republic of Belarus

  1. Rusakovich A.Formation of the legal framework of relations between the Republic of Belarus and the Federal Republic of Germany in 1990s / Rusakovich, A. // Research on problems of economic, labor and political-legal relations, training and education : ed. board: Veselov Y. (and others). – Minsk: MITSO, 2002. – pp. 177-185.
  2. Romanova, N. Belarusian-German relations in the context of the expansion of the EU/ Romanova N., Rusakovich A. // Belarus in the world. – 2003. – №1. – pp. 31-35.
  3. Rusakovich A. Main problems of the relationship between the Republic of Belarus and the organization of the North Atlantic Treaty in 1990s / the main problems of the relationship between the Republic of Belarus and the organization of the North Atlantic Treaty/ Belarusian magazine about international law and international relations. – 2003. – №2. – pp 42-50.
  4. Russakowitsch, A. Weissrussland / А. Russakowitsch // Handbuch der Ausländer– und Zuwanderungspolitik. Von Afghanistan bisZypern / hrsg. W. Gieler. – Münster : LIT, 2003. – S. 730–736.
  5. Rusakovich A. Compliance problems of collective bargaining in Republic of Belarus and world practice / Rusakovich A. // Labor. Unions. Society. – 2005. – №1. – pp. 42-47.
  6. Rusakovich A. United Nations: activity problems and reformation prospects / Rusakovich A. // Labor. Unions. Society. – 2006. – №2. – pp. 86-92.
  7. Rusakovich A. International Labor Organization and Belarus: 50 years of interaction / Rusakovich A. // Magazine of international law and international relations. – 2006. – №4. – pp. 47-55.
  8. Rusakovich A. International legal aspects of recovery of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Belarus and the Federal Republic of Germany / Rusakovich A. // Labor. Unions. Society. – 2007. – №3. – pp. 79-83.
  9. Rusakovich A. Belarusian-Polish economic cooperation: problems and prospects / Rusakovich A. // Polska – Białoruś. Wybraneaspektypolityczneigospodarcze/ red. M. S. Wolańkiego, G. Tokarza. – Toruń, 2007. – S. 75–88.
  10. Rusakovich A. Participation of higher education institutions of Belarus in European educational projects TEMPUS / Rusakovich A., // Labor. Unions. Society. – 2008. – №2. – pp. 42-46.
  11. Rusakovich A. Legal base of interaction of the Republic of Belarus and the Federal Republic of Germany: formation and development in 1991–2006 // Rusakovich A. // Labor. Unions. Society. – 2008. – №4. – pp. 23-27.
  12. Rusakovich A.Belarusian-Polish economic cooperation: new paradigm? / Rusakovich A. // Białoruś – Polska. Przeszłośćiteraźniejszość / red. M. S. Wolańkiego, G. Tokarza. – Wrocław, 2008. – S. 107–118.
  13. Russakowitsch, A. Russland / A. Russakowitsch //AußenpolitikeuropäischerStaaten.VonAlbanienbisZypern / hrsg. W. Gieler, M. Boots. – Bonn: ScientiaBonnensis, 2008. –S. 263–272.
  14. Rusakovich A.New trends in Belarusian-German politicalrelations at the present stage/ Rusakovich A. // Magazine of international law and international relations. – 2009. – №2. – pp. 25-31.
  15. Rusakovich A.Belarusian-German relations at the beginning of the XXI century: economic aspect / Rusakovich A. // Magazine of international law and international relations. – 2009. – №4. – pp. 43-50.
  16. Rusakovich A.The main problems of the Belarusian-German relations in 2001 – 2003 / Rusakovich A. // Brest University. Humanitarian and social science series. – 2009. – №4. – pp. 123-133.
  17. Rusakovich A.The main trends of the Belarusian-German relations in 2004- 2006 / Rusakovich A. // Magazine of international law and international relations. – 2010. – №2. – pp. 43-49.
  18. Rusakovich A.,Belarus and the European Union: key parameters of interaction at the present stage / Rusakovich A. // Wschodnioznawstwo. – Wrocław, 2010. – S. 37–52.
  19. Rusakovich A.Belarus-Germany: a new paradigm of political relations / Rusakovich A. // Magazine of international law and international relations. – 2011. – №1. – pp. 45-52.
  20. Rusakovich A. CIS: from Viskuly to our days / Rusakovich A. // Belarusian thought. – 2012. – №2. – pp. 32-4 
  21. Belarusian-German relations in the context of globalization / Rusakovich A. //BSU News. Vol. 3: History, Economics, Law. – 2012. – №3. – pp. 36-41.
  22. Rusakovich, A.V. Belarusian-German relations in the context of the policy of "critical interaction" (end of 2010 - first half of 2012) / A. V. Rusakovich // Proceedings of the Faculty of International Relations: scientific. Sat - Minsk: BSU, 2012. - Vol. 3. - pp. 42–46.
  23. Rusakovich A. Foreign policy aspects of reproduction of Belarus and Germany diplomatic relations (1991-1992 gg.) / Russakovich // Belarusian. hist. magazine. - 2012. - № 9. - p. 27-31.
  24. Rusakovich A.,Belarus - European Union: achievements and contradictions in partnership / Rusakovich A. // Republic of Belarus between East and West/ scientific ed.: Tymanovsky Y. (and others). – Warsaw: Warsaw University 2012. – pp. 
  25. Rusakovich A., Republic of Belarus: between the Eastern Partnership and the Eurasian Union / Rusakovich A. // Lower Silesia for a united Europe. International Regional cooperation is the foundation for development and security / ed. by Jewicky A. (and others). – Wroclaw, 2012. – pp. 46-64.
  26. Russakowitsch, A. Religion in Weißrussland / А. Russakowitsch // Handbuch der Religionen der Welt: in 5 Bd. / hrsg. M. Porsche-Ludwig, J.Bellers. – Nordhausen: VerlagTraugottBautzCmbH, 2012. – Band 1: Amerika und Europa.– S. 453–458.
  27. Russakowitsch, A. Russland / A. Russakowitsch// AußenpolitikimeuropäischerVergleich. EinHandbuch der StaatenEuropas von A–Z / hg. W. Gieler. – Berlin : LIT, 2012. – S. 393–407.
  28. Rusakovich A., Features of the interaction of Belarus and Germany in the economic sphere (2008-2011) / Rusakovich A. // BSPU News Vol. 2 : History. Philosophy. Politics. Social Studies. Economics. Culture Studies. – 2013. – №2. – 63-67.
  29. Rusakovich A., Political relations between Belarus and Germany in the second half of 1996-1997 / Rusakovich A. //Scientific works collection of the Faculty of International Relations: scientific. coll. - Minsk: BSU, 2013. - Vol. 4. - pp. 16–23.
  30. Rusakovich A.,Belarus’s participation in the implementation of the final settlement regarding Germany in 1990-1994 / Rusakovich A. //Wschodnioznawstwo. – Wrocław, 2013. – S. 19–27.
  31. Rusakovich A.,Main areas of Belarusian and German foreign policy research in 1990s / Rusakovich A. //Magazine of international law and international relations. – 2014. – №1. – pp. 15-26.
  32. Rusakovich A., Belarusian and German foreign policy in 2000s research : main aspects / Rusakovich A. //Magazine of international law and international relations. – 2014. – №2. – pp. 12-24.
  33. Barahvostov P., European Union policy towards post-Soviet Eastern European States in 2004-2014 / Barahvostov P., Rusakovich A. // // Magazine of international law and international relations. – 2014. – №4. – pp. 9-15.
  34. Rusakovich A.,The problem of developing the periodization of Belarus’s relations with Germany in the 1990s – 2000s in domestic and foreign studies/ Rusakovich A. //Scientific works collection of the Faculty of International Relations: scientific. coll. - Minsk: BSU, 2014. - Vol. 5. - pp. 49–54.
  35. Russakowitsch, A. Weißrussland / А. Russakowitsch // HandbuchEuropäischerSozialpolitiken / hg. M. Porsche-Ludwig, J. Bellers, W. Gieler. – Münster: LIT, 2014. – S. 212–216.
  36. Rusakovich, A. Relations with Germany in the foreign policy of Belarus in the context of global changes in the post-Soviet space (end of 2013 - beginning of 2015) / Rusakovich A. // Scientific works collection of the Faculty of International Relations: scientific. coll. - Minsk: BSU, 2015. - Vol. 6. - pp. 30–38.
  37. Rusakovich, A. Belarus in the Eurasian Economic Union/ Rusakovich, A. // PolskaiBiałoruś we współczesnejEuropie / red. Naukova J. Tymanovski, A. Daniluk, J. Bryll. – Warszawa, 2015. – pp. 159–174.
  38.  Rusakovich, A. The change in the Geopolitical situation in the former Soviet Union after 2014 / A. Rusakovich // Collective Security Treaty Organisation and Contingency Planning after 2014 / Ed. by Douhan A. and Rusakovich. A. – Geneva–Minsk, DCAF–FPSRC, 2016. – pp. 5–33.
  39.  Rusakovich, A. Formation of the Eurasian Economic Union and of the Development Collective Security Treaty Organisation / A. Rusakovich // Collective Security Treaty Organisation and Con-tingency Planning after 2014 / Ed. by Douhan A. and Rusakovich A. – Geneva–Minsk, DCAF–FPSRC, 2016. – pp. 95–115.
  40. Rusakovich, A. Cooperation of higher educational institutions of Belarus and the countries of the European Union from the example of the Tempus project “Developing a new curriculum in the field of European economic law” / Rusakovich, A. // National statehood and European integration processes: Scientific works collection in 2 p./ed. board: Balashenko S. [and others]. - Minsk: Publishing Center of BSU, 2008. - Vol. 2: Problems of unification of legislation in the Commonwealth of Independent States and the European Union - pp. 173–174.
  41. Rusakovich, A. Germany and Poland in the system of foreign policy priorities of Belarus at the beginning of the XXI century / Rusakovich, A. // Problems of foreign policy and security. Belarus - Poland: history and prospects of cooperation / ed. board: Rusakovich, A (ed.) [and others]. - Minsk: Theseus, 2009. - pp. 110–124.
  42. Rusakovich, A. Current Belarusian-German interaction / Rusakovich, A. // Scientific works collection of the Faculty of International Relations: scientific. coll. - Minsk: Theseus, 2010. - Vol. 1. - pp. 17–22.
  43.  Interaction of Belarus with Germany and China in the context of the global financial and economic crisis: an attempt at comparative analysis / Rusakovich, A. // Belarus - China: Scientific coll. / ed. Strazhev, V. [and others]. - Minsk: BSU, 2010. - Vol. 8: China in the modern world. - pp. 115-120.
  44. Rusakovich, A. Foreign Policy of Belarus: Traditions and Modernity / Rusakovich, A. // Scientific works collection of the Faculty of International Relations: scientific. coll. - Minsk: BSU, 2011. - Vol. 2. - pp. 17–23.
  45.  Russakowitsch, A. Belarus – Deutschland: ZweiJahrzehntezwischenstaatlicherBeziehungen / А. Russakowitsch // IfD focus. 20 Jahre Deutsch-BelarussischeKooperation. – 2012. – № 1. – pp. 4–12.
  46. Rusakovich, A. Investment advantages of the Republic of Belarus in connection with its participation in the Eurasian integration / Rusakovich, A.// Baltic Rim Economies. Quarterly Review. Special issue on the Future of Belarus. – 2012. – № 3. – pp. 15–16.
  47. Rusakovich, A. Changing the geopolitical situation in the post-Soviet space after 2014 / Rusakovich, A. / / Organization of the Collective Security Treaty and contingency planning after 2014 / ed. by Dovgan E. and Rusakovich A. - Geneva; Minsk, 2015. - pp. 5–38.
  48.  Formation of the Eurasian Economic Union and the development of the Collective Security Treaty Organization / Rusakovich, A. // Collective Security Treaty Organization and contingency planning after 2014 / ed. by Dovgan E. and Rusakovich A. - Geneva; Minsk, 2015. - pp. 109–133.
  49. Rusakovich A.V. Position of Belarus in the EAEU / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus in the EAEU: in search of a format of mutually beneficial cooperation / Center for Eurasian Studies, Workbook No. 1, July 2017. - M., 2017. - p. 19–20.
  50. Rusakovich, A. Eastern Partnership Countries and Eurasian Integration in 2012~2015 / P. Barakhvostov, A. Rusakovich // Journal of Economic Integration. 2017 December;32(4):804-841https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2062-3355
  51. Rusakovich, A.V. Preface / A.V. Rusakovich // Eurasian Economic Union: Interim Results and Prospects for the Development of an Integration Project: Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, Minsk, October 20, 2017 / ed. A.V. Rusakovich - Kiev: The Fund. F. Ebert, 2017. - p. 4-5.
  52. Rusakovich, A. Some Trends in the Development of Modern Diplomacy / A.V. Rusakovich // Diplomacy of Belarus: Past and Present: proceedings of a scientific seminar, Minsk, March 23, 2017 / BSU, Faculty of International Relations; Public Association Center for the Study of Foreign Policy and Security; Editorial: V.G. Shadursky [and others]. - Minsk: BSU, 2017. - p. 22—25
  53. Rusakovich, A.V. Diplomacy of the Republic of Belarus in the Conditions of Eurasian Integration / A.V. Rusakovich / Belarus in the modern world: materials of the XVI Intern. scientific conf., dedicated. 96th anniversary of the formation of Belarus. state Minsk, 25 oct. 2017 = Belarus at the best of the day: materiyaly XVI Mizhnar. navuk. canf. 96-year-old Belarus. Dzyarzh. University, Minsk, 25 kastr. 2017 / redkol. : V.G. Shadursky  [and others]. - Minsk: Ed. Center of BSU, 2017. - p. 337-338
  54. Rusakovich A.V. Mechanisms for the implementation of the European Union’s policy towards the Eastern Partnership countries (2009–2014) / P.A. Barakhvostov, A.V. Rusakovich // Actual problems of social and humanitarian knowledge in the context of ensuring national security: Proceedings of the IV Intern. scientific-practical Conf., Minsk, 14-15 apr. 2016, in 3 parts, part 3. - Minsk: BA RB, 2017. - p. 37-41.
  55. Rusakovich, A.V. Some aspects of Belarus-NATO relations in the context of the modernization of the international security system / A.V. Rusakovich // International Security and NATO in 2017: Coll. materials of the international seminar, Minsk, December 15, 2017 / ed. A. A. Rozanov, A. V. Rusakovich - Minsk: RIVSh, 2018. - p. 52–58.
  56. Rusakoviç, A. Türkiye’nin AB’ye Entegrasyonu: Sorunlar ve Perspektifler / A. Rusakoviç // Türkiye’Dış Politikasi: Belarus ve Türk Akademisyenlerinin Gözüyle / Ed. B. Günay. – İstanbul, İstanbul Üniversitesi: 2015. – P. 265–278
  57. Rusakovich A.V. Foreign Policy of Belarus: Search for Identity in the Context of the Challenges of Modernity / A.V. Rusakovich // Regional integration processes and Belarus: philosophical and ideological foundations, development trends, experience in socio-political modeling. Belarusian political science: diversity in unity: materials of VIII Intern. scientific-practical Conf., Grodno, May 17–18, 2018, in 2 parts, part 2. - Grodno, GrSU, 2018. - p. 125–128.
  58. Rusakovich A.V. Educational and methodical, scientific and practical support of the academic discipline “Integration processes in the post-Soviet space”: some aspects / A. V. Rusakovich // Study of international relations in the Republic of Belarus: state and prospects: materials Resp. scientific-practical conf., dedicated. The 25th anniversary of the Department of International Relations of the BSU (Minsk, October 6, 2017) / redkolll: M.E.Chesnovsky (previous) and [other]. - Minsk: Four quarters, 2018. - p. 68–72.
  59. Rusakovich, A. BelarusGermany: main trends and stages of the development of intergovernmental relations in the 1990s  first half of the 2010s / A. Rusakovich // International relations.  2018. – №1.  P. 1017


Articles in collections of academic papers published in the context of an academic conference

  1.  Rusakovich, A.V. State-political relations between the Republic of Belarus and the Federal Republic of Germany in the 1990s: problems and prospects / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus i Germany: history and  asnasters: materials scient.. conf., Minsk, May 23, 2002 / eddition William F. Ladys. - Minsk: MSLU, 2002. - P. 141–154.
  2. Rusakovich, A. The problem of compensation to the victims of Nazism in the Belarusian-German relations in the 1990s. / Rusakovich, A. // Foreign Policy of Belarus in Historical Retrospective: Materials of the Intern. scientific Conf., Minsk, May 24–25, 2002 / ed.: K. Bayer [and others]. - Minsk, 2002. - pp. 213–217
  3. Rusakovich, A. Results and prospects of state and political relations between the Republic of Belarus and the Federal Republic of Germany (1991–2002) / Rusakovich, A. // Current issues of international relations and foreign policy of Belarus: materials of scientific. seminars, Minsk, January – December 2002 / ed. by Bayer K. [and others]. - Minsk: Theseus, 2003. - pp. 60–77.
  4.  Rusakovich, A. NATO Relations - Belarus in the 1990s / Rusakovich, A. // NATO and European security in the XXI century: materials of the Intern. Seminar, Minsk, June 27–28, 2002 / ed.: Rozanov A. [and others]. - Minsk: Theseus, 2003. - pp. 49–70.
  5.  Rusakovich, A. New trends in the Belarusian-Polish cooperation in conditions of neighborhood of Belarus and the European Union / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus-Poland: the path to cooperation: materials of the Intern. scientific Conf., Minsk, 11 Nov. 2004 / ed. board: Sharapo A. (ed.) [and others]. - Minsk: BSU, 2005. - pp. 87–93.
  6.  Rusakovich, A. Belarusian-German relations in the second half of 2005 - early 2006 / A.V. Rusakovich / / Belarus and Germany: History and Modernity: Materials of the International Scientific Conference, Minsk, May 12, 2006 / Kavalenya A. (chief editor) [and others]. - Minsk: MSLU, 2007. - p. 212–217.
  7.  Rusakovich, A. Restoration of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Belarus and the Federal Republic of Germany / Rusakovich, A. // Belarus and Germany: History and Modernity: Materals of the International Scientific Conference, Minsk, 26 apr. 2007 / ed. board: Kavalenya, A. (chief editor) [and others]. - Minsk: MSLU, 2007. - Vol. 6. - p. 252–258.
  8. Rusakovich, A. Belarusian-German relations (at the end of 2006 - beginning of 2008) / Rusakovich, A. // Belarus and Germany: History and Modernity: Materals of the International Scientific Conference, Minsk, 25 apr., 2008. - Minsk: MSLU, 2009. - Vol. 7. - pp. 153–159.
  9.  Rusakovich, A. The role of European educational projects TEMPUS in reforming of higher education in Belarus / Rusakovich, A. // 21. Gadsimtajaunatne: ğimene, izglĭtĭba, karjra: starptautiskāzinātniscipraktikā - Rezekne; Riga, 2009. - pp. 56–62.
  10. Rusakovich, A. Belarusian-German relations in the conditions of development and overcoming the global financial and economic crisis / Rusakovich, A. // Overcoming the financial and economic crisis: the experience of Germany and Belarus: materials of the Intern. scientific-practical Conf., Minsk, Oct. 19, 2010 / Friedrich Ebert Foundation [and others]. - Minsk: Loginov I., 2010. - pp. 8–14.
  11. Rusakovich, A. Social partnership: the experience of Belarus and Germany / Rusakovich, A. // Socially-oriented model of economic development: the experience of Germany and Belarus: materials of the Intern. scientific-practical Conf., Minsk, May 18, 2011 / Friedrich Ebert Foundation [and others]. - Minsk: Loginov I., 2011. - pp. 23–29.
  12. Rusakovich, A. Belarus - European Union: Main problems of partnership / Rusakovich, A. // Topical issues of Belarusian-Polish relations: the 20th anniversary of the Treaty between the Republic of Poland and the Republic of Belarus on Good-Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation of 23 June 1992 year: materials of the Belarusian-Polish round table, Minsk, 19 June. 2012 / ed. board : Shadurskiy V.(sc. ed.) [and others]. - Minsk: BSU, 2012. - pp. 80-86.
  13.  Rusakovich, A. Belarus - NATO: controversial partnership / Rusakovich, A. // International Security and NATO in New Conditions: Materials of the Sc. Coll. of the Intern. Seminar, Minsk, 15–16 Dec. 2011 / ed. board: Rusakovich A. (chief editor) [and others]. - Minsk: Magic, 2012. - pp. 85–91.
  14. Rusakovich, A. Current permanent feature of the Foreign Policy of the Republic of Belarus / Rusakovich, A. / // The new word in the history and culture: V Intern. Congress of belorusists "The new word in Belarusian Studies", Minsk, 20-21 May, 2010 / ed. Sushi A. - Minsk: Four quarters, 2012. - pp. 249-259.
  15.  Rusakovich, A. Belarus in the System of Regional Security / Rusakovich, A. // International Security and NATO in a Changing World: Coll.of the Materials of The Intern. Seminar, Minsk, 13–14 Dec. 2012, March 14, 2013 / ed. by Rozanova A. and Rusakovich A. - Minsk: NIHE, 2013. - pp. 63–70.
  16.  Rusakovich, A. Belarus and Kazakhstan: the realities of Eurasian integration and the potential of cooperation with the European Union / Rusakovich, A. // Kazakhstan and Belarus - 20 years together. On the way to the Eurasian Union: materials of the Intern. seminar, Minsk, 20 Dec, 2012 - Minsk: Academy of Public Administration under the aegis of the President of the Republic of Belarus , 2013. - pp. 39–50.
  17. Rusakovich, A. Belarus - Estonia: Features and Prospects of Cooperation / Rusakovich, A. // International Security and NATO in the Modern World: Coll. Materials Intern. Seminar, Minsk, 5–6 Dec., 2013 / under the editorship of Rozanov A. and Rusakovich A. - Minsk: NIHE, 2014. - p. 95–101.
  18. Rusakovich, A. Common Foreign Policy and Security Policy of the European Union: Formation and Features / Rusakovich, A. // European Union and the Republic of Belarus: Prospects for Cooperation: Coll. Materials Intern. Conf., Minsk, June 5–6, 2014 / ed. board: Shadurskiy V. [and others]. - Minsk: Publ. Center of BSU, 2014. - pp. 21–27.
  19. Barakhvostov, P. Association agreements between the European Union and Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine / Barakhvostov P., Rusakovich A. // Belarusian-Polish relations: Past and Present: Proceedings of the international. round table, Minsk, 30 Oct. 2014 / the ed. board: Shadurskiy V. (chief editor.) [and others]. - Minsk: Publ. Center BSU, 2015. - pp. 98-102.
  20.  Rusakovich, A. Formation of the interstate relations of Belarus and Germany (mid 1990– early 1992) / Rusakovich, A. // 25 years of Belarusian-German relations: prospects and potential common grounds: materials of the international scientific-practical conference, Minsk , April 20, 2017 / ed. by Rusakovich A. - Kiev: Foundation of Friedrich Ebert, 2017. - pp. 38–43.

    Proceedings of abstracts:


  1.  Rusakovich, A. Belarusian-German Relations in 1991–1999: Results and Problems / Rusakovich, A. // German and Slavic Worlds: Mutual Influence, Conflicts, Dialogue of Cultures: Proceedings of the Intern. scientific theory Conf., Vitebsk, 6–8 Dec. 2001 / Kosmach V. (chief editor). - Vitebsk: Vitebsk. state University Press, 2001. - pp. 436–438.
  2.  Rusakovich, A. Belarusian-German cooperation in the field of training in the economic sphere in the 1990s / Rusakovich, A. // Education as a tool for managing the quality of life: materials of the Intern. Conf., Minsk, 25–26 Oct. 2001 / ed. : Veselov, Y. [and others]. - Minsk: MITSO, 2002. - pp. 174–177.
  3. Rusakovich, A.V. Program of Support of Belarus by the Federal Government of Germany / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus and Germany: history i present: materials mizhnar. Sciences. Conf., Minsk, May 16, 2003 / gal. Ed. AA Kovalenya. - Minsk State Linguistic University, 2003. - P. 6-9.
  4. Rusakovich, A.V. Formation of the policy of the European Communities in relation to the republics of the former USSR (December 1991 - February 1992) / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus in the modern world: materials I Resp. scientific Conf., Minsk, October 22–23. 2002 / Redkol. : A.V. Sharapo [et al.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2003. - p. 53–56.
  5. Rusakovich, A.V. Main directions of the program of support of Belarus by the federal government of Germany / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus in the modern world: mes. report II rep. scientific Conf., Minsk, 17–18 dec. 2003 / Redkol. : A.V. Sharapo [et al.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2004. - p. 32–33.
  6. Rusakovich, A.V. Main Trends in German Foreign Policy at the Beginning of the 21st Century / A.V. Rusakovich / / Belarus i Germania: history i suzasnasts: materiyalyly mizhnar. Navuki canf., Minsk, 22 kras. 2004 / gal. red A. A. Kavalenya, S. Ya. Novіkaў. - Minsk: MDLU, 2004. - p. 211–214.
  7. Rusakovich, A.V. The Role of Trade Unions in Germany in the Formation of a Welfare State / A.V. Rusakovich // Trade Unions in a Socially Oriented Market Economy: Proceedings of the Intern. scientific-practical conf. 100th anniversary of the union. Movement of Belarus, Minsk, 22–23 Apr. 2004 / Redkol. : N. E. Potapenko (ed.) [Et al.]. - Minsk: MITSO, 2004. - p. 259–262.
  8. Rusakovich, A.V. Germany in the European Union / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus i Germania: history i suchnasnasts: materiyalyla mezhnar. Navuki canf., Minsk, May 13, 2005 / redkal. : A. A. Kavalenya (Gal. Red.) [І інш.]. - Minsk: MDLU, 2005. - p. 192–195.
  9. Rusakovich, A.V. Social Partnership: The Experience of Germany / A.V. Rusakovich // Ideology and Practice of Social Partnership: Experience and Development Prospects: Materials of the X Interuniversity Scientific and Practical Society. Conf., Gomel, Feb. 1 2006 - Gomel: GF UO FPB MITSO, 2006. - P. 58–60.
  10. Rusakovich, A.V. Interaction of the ILO and the Republic of Belarus: achievements and prospects / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus in the modern world: mes. report V Intern. scientific conf., dedicated. 85th anniversary of Belarus. state University, Minsk, Nov. 3 2006 / Redkol. : A.V. Sharapo [et al.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2007. - p. 76–77.
  11. Rusakovich, A.V. International legal aspects of the restoration of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Belarus and the Federal Republic of Germany / A.V. Rusakovich // Actual problems of state and law in the Slavic world: materials of the Intern. scientific Conf., Vitebsk, April 26–27 2007 / Redkol. : V.V. Bochkov [et al.]. - Vitebsk: UO VSU, 2007. - p. 211–212.
  12. Rusakovich, A.V. Separate Aspects of the Formation of the Conceptual Foundations of the Foreign Policy Course of the Republic of Belarus in the Middle of 1994 / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus in the Modern World: Proc. report VI Intern. scientific conf., dedicated. 86th anniversary of Belarus. state Minsk, 30 oct. 2007 / Redkol. : A.V. Sharapo [et al.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2007. - P. 69–71.
  13. Rusakovich, A.V. Prospects for the dialogue between Belarus and the European Union / A.V. Rusakovich // Actual problems of the development of law at the present stage: materials of the round table, Minsk, April 3. 2007 / ed. : S.V. Boriko [et al.]. - Minsk: MITSO, 2007. - P. 67–70.
  14. Rusakovich, A.V. Cooperation of the Byelorussian SSR and the International Labor Organization (1954–1991) / A.V. Rusakovich // Anniversary scientific readings devoted to the 15th anniversary of MITSO, Minsk, March 1–2, 2007: Sat. st. : in 3 hours / rev. : A.P. Durovich [et al.]. - Minsk: MITSO, 2007. - Part 2. - P. 47–52.
  15. Rusakovich, A.V. Cooperation of higher educational institutions of Belarus and Germany in the field of law in the framework of the TEMPUS program / A.V. Rusakovich // Actual problems of development of law at the present stage: materials of the round table, Minsk, 3 apr. 2007 / ed. : S.V. Boriko [et al.]. - Minsk: MITSO, 2007. - P. 70–72.
  16. Rusakovich, A.V. New trends in the Belarusian-German relations at the present stage / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus in the modern world: materials of the VII Intern. conf., dedicated. The 87th anniversary of the formation of Belarus. state Minsk, 30 oct. 2008 / Redkol. : V.G. Shadursky [et al.]; Byelorussian. state un-t - Minsk: Theseus, 2008. - p. 47–48.
  17. Rusakovich, A.V. The joint statement on the basis of relations between the Republic of Belarus and the Federal Republic of Germany is the most important result of the Belarusian-German negotiations in August 1994 / A.V. Rusakovich // Problems of the development of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus at the present stage: materials of scientific. -pract. Conf., Minsk, March 28, 2008: at 2 pm / Rev. : V. F. Ermolovich (ed.) [And others]. - Minsk: MITSO, 2008. - Part 1. - P. 47–49.
  18. Rusakovich, A.V. Activities of the Belarusian-German Economic Cooperation Council in 1992–2009 / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus in the modern world: materials of the VIII Intern. scientific conf., dedicated. 88th anniversary of the formation of Belarus. state Minsk, 30 oct. 2009 / redkl. : V.G. Shadursky [et al.]; Byelorussian. state un-t - Minsk: Theseus, 2009. - p. 44–45.
  19. Rusakovich, A.V. Belarusian-German political relations in 2009–2010: some aspects / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus in the modern world: materials of the IX Intern. scientific conf., dedicated. 89th anniversary of the formation of Belarus. state University, Minsk, Oct. 29. 2010 / redkl. : V. G. Shadursky [et al.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2010.– P. 45–46.
  20. Rusakovich, A.V. “Minsk Forum” and “Economic Forum” as a platform for dialogue between representatives of Belarus and EU countries / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus-Poland: two years ago: Belarusian-Polish roundtable became, Minsk, 30 castrychnika 2014 / redkal. : V. G. Shadurskі (navuk. Red.) [І інш.]. - Minsk, 2010. - P. 116–119.
  21. Rusakovich, A.V. On New Opportunities for Cooperation of Belarus with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in the Sphere of Information Activity / A.V. Rusakovich // NATO: Challenges of the Present and the Future: Proceedings of the Intern. Seminar, Minsk, 10 Dec. 2009 / redkl. : A.V. Rusakovich (ed.) [And others]. - Minsk: Theseus, 2010. - p. 66–69.
  22. Rusakovich, A.V. Belarusian-German relations at the end of 2010–2011: main aspects / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus in the modern world: materials of the X Int. scientific conf., dedicated. 90th anniversary of the formation of Belarusian. state Minsk, 28 oct. 2011 / Redcol. : V. G. Shadursky [et al.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2011. - P. 41–43.
  23. Rusakovich, A.V. Features of the CIS Development at the Present Stage / A.V. Rusakovich // State – Legal Regulation of Integration Processes in the Post-Soviet Space: Proceedings of the Intern. scientific-practical Conf., Vitebsk, April 20–21. 2012 / Redcol. : A. A. Bochkov (ed.) [And others]. - Vitebsk: EI "VSU named after P. Masherov", 2012. - P. 224–226.
  24. Rusakovich, A.V. State of Belarusian-German relations at the end of 2011 - 2012 / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus in the modern world: materials of the XI Intern. scientific conf., dedicated. 91 anniversary of the formation of Belarusian. state Minsk, 30 oct. 2012 / Redcol. : V. G. Shadursky [et al.]. - Minsk: BSU, 2012. - p. 61–63.
  25. Rusakovich, A.V. Eastern Partnership: Achievements and Prospects: “Round Table” / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus in the Modern World = Belarus at a Good Time: Materials of the XII International. conf., dedicated. 92 anniversary of the formation of Belarus. state Minsk, 30 oct. 2013 / Redkol. : V. G. Shadursky [et al.]. - Minsk: Ed. Center of BSU, 2013. - p. 348–350.
  26. Rusakovich, A.V. Investigation of interstate relations of Belarus and Germany in 1990–2000s: the problem of periodization / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus in the modern world = Belarus at the most important point: materials of the XIIth International. conf., dedicated. 92 anniversary of the formation of Belarus. state Minsk, 30 oct. 2013 / Redkol. : V. G. Shadursky [et al.]. - Minsk: Ed. Center of BSU, 2013. - P. 51–53.
  27. Rusakovich, A.V. The evolution of the transcription of the name “Belarus” in the German scientific literature in the 1990–2000s. / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus in the modern world = Belarus at the most important level: materials of the XIII Intern. conf., dedicated. 93th anniversary of the formation of Belarus. state Minsk, 30 oct. 2014 / Redcol. : V. G. Shadursky [et al.]. - Minsk: Ed. Center of BSU, 2014. - P. 370–372.
  28. Rusakovich, A.V. “Diplomacy-catalyst” on the example of the activities of the public association “Center for the Study of Foreign Policy and Security” / A.V. Rusakovich // Diplomacy of Belarus: past and present: Sat. materials of scientific Seminar, Minsk, March 6, 2015 / ed. A. V. Rusakovich. - Minsk: BSU, 2015. - p. 37–40.
  29. Rusakovich, A.V. Creation of the Eurasian Economic Union and Security Problems in the Post-Soviet Space / A.V. Rusakovich // International Security and NATO in 2014: Coll. Materials Intern. Seminar, Minsk, 4–5 dec. 2014 / under the editorship of A. A. Rozanov, A. V. Rusakovich. - Minsk: RIVS, 2015. - P. 69–71.
  30. Rusakovich, A.V. Relations of Belarus with Germany: Achievements and Prospects / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus in the modern world = Belarus at the most important time: materials of the XIV International. conf., dedicated. 94th anniversary of the formation of Belarus. state University, Minsk, Oct. 29. 2015 / redkol. : V. G. Shadursky [et al.]. - Minsk: Ed. Center of BSU, 2016. - p. 306–307.
  31. Rusakovich, A.V. Turkey's Integration into the European Union: Historical Aspects and the Present / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus and Turkey: Experience of Civilization Interaction: Materials of the International Round Table on the 20th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations of the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Turkey / Redkoll. S. N. Khodin [et al.]. - Minsk: RIVS, 2015. - p. 55–65.
  32. Rusakovich, A.V. Main Security Issues in the Post-Soviet Space / A.V. Rusakovich // International Security and NATO in 2015: Sat. materials of the international seminar, Minsk, December 8, 2015 / under the editorship of A. A. Rozanov, A. V. Rusakovich. - Minsk: RIVS, 2016. - p. 71–73.
  33. Rusakovich, A.V. Politics of Belarus in relation to Germany in 1990–2015: main results / A.V. Rusakovich // Diplomacy of Belarus: Past and Present: Sat. materials of scientific of the seminar, Minsk, March 16, 2016 / under the editorship of A. V. Rusakovich. - Minsk: BSU, 2016. - pp. 32—37.
  34. Rusakovich, A.V. Belarusian-German cooperation: main trends in 2015 / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus in the modern world = Belarus at the best of the day: materials of the XV International. conf., dedicated. 95th anniversary of the formation of Belarus. state Un-one, Oct. 27. 2016 / Redkol. : V. G. Shadursky [et al.]. - Minsk: Ed. Center of BSU, 2016. - P.341-343.
  35. Rusakovich, A.V. The post-Soviet space in the foreign policy concept of the Russian Federation at the present stage / A.V. Rusakovich // International Security and NATO in 2016: Sat. materials of the international seminar, Minsk, December 15, 2016 / under the editorship of A. A. Rozanov, A. V. Rusakovich - Minsk: RIVS, 2017. - p. 64–67.

Articles in encyclopedias

  1. Rusakovich, A.V. European commission/ A.V. Rusakovich// Trade unions of Belarus: encycl. : in 2 vol. - Minsk: Publishing House of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus, 2011. - Vol. 1. - P. 570.
  2. Rusakovich, A.V. European parliament/ A.V. Rusakovich// Trade unions of Belarus: encycl. : in 2 vol. - Minsk: Publishing House of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus, 2011. - Vol. 1. - P.573
  3. Rusakovich, A.V. European Union / A.V. Rusakovich// Trade unions of Belarus: encycl. : in 2 vol. - Minsk: Publishing House of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus, 2011. - Vol. 1. - P.574
  4. Rusakovich, A.V. Council of Europe / A.V. Rusakovich// Trade unions of Belarus: encycl. : in 2 vol. - Minsk: Publishing House of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus, 2011. - Vol. 2. - P.377


Educational editions

  1. Rusakovich, A.V. European Union / A.V. Rusakovich. - Minsk: Asobny Dakh, 2004. - 120 p.
  2. Prannik, TA The History of the State and Law of Belarus: studies. Method. manual / T. A. Prannik, A. V. Rusakovich. - Minsk: MITSO, 2008. - 80 p.
  3. Rusakovich, A.V. Basics of Diplomatic and Consular Services: studies.-method. complex / A.V. Rusakovich. - Minsk: MITSO, 2008. - 40 p.
  4. 114. Organizational and protocol support for the international activities of the university / V. G. Shadursky, V. L. Shapurov, G. N. Mikhalkevich, A. V. Rusakovich, A. V. Selivanov. - Minsk: RIVSH, 2013. - 114 p.



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